
Chapter 650 - “Never Give Up on You (8)”

Chapter 650 “Never Give Up on You (8)”

“Someone came to rob me of my wife. If I still don’t make a move then I be giving you bastards extra thoughts.” Smirking very dangerously, a coat of ominous energy now surrounds the demon lord in readiness for combat.

“I remember you were exactly like this as well. Back then you would do anything for her, even if it means acting as a beggar in order to win some pity points. I didn’t pay you any heed because I thought that with my bond with her, our longstanding relationship of someone who grew up together, would be enough to stop her from going to anyone else.” Letting his word pause there, a mild fluctuation of emotion finally takes hold in Chu Yi God’s voice: “But in the end, she chose you… Honestly, I envied you in the past. You were able to let go of your pride for her, abandon your dignity, and even… forsake the world for her. If I could’ve done the same, then maybe…. she wouldn’t have given you the chance at all.”

Based on the face Di Cang was making after hearing all that, he clearly thought otherwise: “You think too highly of yourself. She is my wife. Even if I have to exhaust my everything, I would’ve won her over regardless of what you did.”

Despite the mockery, Chu Yi God didn’t pay it any heed and instead continued to speak on his own: “Then why are you hurting her? You went so far back then, even willing to forsake the world, so why did you chase her away now!”

In the ears of this demon lord, that interrogating tone only sounded hilarious. “You got no right to question me. What I did or didn’t do is none of your concern, nor is wife’s business as well. Yan Yan is my wife, the mother of my child, all that is related to her should only concern me.”

“No, you are wrong.” Chu Yi God shakes his head in disagreement: “I’m merely late this time, I still have a chance to make her mine.”

That instantly infuriated Di Cang. In light of that irritable comment right there, more than enough to make him explode already, he’s somehow managed to suppress the urge to clobber the bastard in front of himself.

His urgency to seek out Bai Yan apparently triumphant that jealous heart.

“Is that what you think?” Clicking his tongue like he’s holding the other side in contempt, “Too bad for you, I won’t give you that opportunity to steal my wife. Not in the past like you claim, and mostly importantly not now!”

This time around it was Chu Yi God who showed a face, Why is he not attacking? According to his usual demeanor, Di Cang should’ve attacked me by now.

“I will deal with you once I find my wife. Until then you just wait!” A flicker of killing intent promptly beams out of those eyes and answered the expectation in the other side’s mind.

Done and without anything more to be said, Di Cang moved swiftly and flew towards the general direction of Fairy City. He may not know the exact location of where his wife and child went, however, that doesn’t mean he couldn’t track by following the faint scent they left behind.

“He’s changed somehow, but I can’t tell what….” Murmuring to himself, the unparalleled man in white watches on as the purplish figure disappears into the horizon.

Chu Yi God may have the will to take Bai Yan back, but that’s only under the criteria that she wants to return. If she doesn’t, then he’s not going to force anything for he’s long lost that right ages ago.


Within a hidden valley, Bai Yan now lays in a patch of grass with only a faint awareness to her surroundings.

Wang Deqiu that bastard, he did not tell me I would be teleported without warning!

She wanted to pry open those tired eyes several times already. Unfortunately, despite her best effort, those eyelids just wouldn’t listen like its been sealed shut with a thousand weights. Even so, Bai Yan could still vaguely make out intermediate bursts of words between a conversation.

“Big Brother, there is an unconscious little lass here.”

“Che~ I say, she does have one heck of a pretty face there.”

“Hey, hey, Brother, aren’t you a bit too old to be aiming for a young missy like this? I have to admit though, if I was a few decades younger than I too would be wowed by that face. Anyways, her body is what I’m more interested in. She would be a great seed to be a cultivator like us.”

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