
Chapter 644: The strongest mechanism

Chapter 644: The strongest mechanism

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan continued advancing after storing the golden pearl. At present, he roughly understood the hunting patterns of the Plaga Hosts. They didn’t rely on sight, smell or hearing, but instead were attuned to the vibrations of the ground.

Therefore, his ‘Tigfog’ herb medicine was obviously useless. He reckoned that as long as he took gentle steps forward, the troubles encountered would decrease relatively.

After winding through a stone wall, a vast emptiness appeared before Sheyan. Right ahead, was a terrifyingly deep abyss. An elongated rocky bridge spanned across this abyss, and could only be described as the work of God. This rocky bridge was exceptionally narrow, allowing at most one person to pass through at any one time.

There wasn’t any protective railing on either side of the bridge, to protect from the fall that led straight into the thousand fathoms deep abyss. Just from gazing down, one would get a sense of eerie apprehension. It would be impossible to stay alive if one slipped. Apparently, this long bridge was the only way across to the other side.

Back when Sheyan was scouting from an elevated place, probably due to an awkward angle, he didn’t reckon this unfathomable abyss to be that impressive. Yet upon standing before it now, an intense sensation of abstruse vastness surged against him.

A peculiar luster could be seen lingering across the lateral rocks of this bridge. It replicated the glossy radiance of candle wax.

Without a doubt, the only way to advance was by traversing this long bridge. Without saying much, one could tell this bridge definitely held untold treacherous snares.

Sheyan attempted to encroach the bridgehead. As he stepped down, he abruptly felt a softness. An alarming shock overwhelmed him as he immediately rolled backward. However, nothing abnormal happened.

After sampling a few more times, Sheyan realized that regardless of how much he tried to avoid it, he would inevitably trigger a certain snare mechanism along the course of this long bridge. This indicated that as long as someone attempts to pass through, the snare mechanisms activating was a given.

Thus, he could also make a further deduction - there was definitely a method of surviving the deadliness of these snare mechanisms. There should be a concealed but surefire way of walking, that would only be fatal if one takes a misstep.

The remnant of the glowing sun was like blood, radiating splendidly over the horizon while dark clouds loomed around it. A sinister crimson blood splendor irradiated the entire city of ruins.

Beneath the glorious scenery, Sheyan took a deep breath as he begun inching up the long bridge.

His cautiousness and prudence had reached a max. Under the extent of his full concentration, Sheyan suddenly realized a stone platform lay at a remote distance from the bridgehead.

That stone platform was roughly 1-2 kilometers away.

Nevertheless, he could distinctly observe. Right atop that stone platform, an identical tall and sturdy, serpent-headed statue abruptly slithered up from the ground.

This statue had both arms raised up high, holding onto a gigantic mirror, spanning over 3 meters wide, that was reflecting towards here.

Within a flash, Sheyan’s eyes were pierced by the incredibly dazzling reflection; the blazing afterglow of the retreating sun. It seemingly converged at the center of that mirror, transforming into a dreadfully piercing beam. Like an arrow or a spear, it cascaded through the arc of this long bridge, reaching all the way to Sheyan!

Its awe-inspiring brilliance wasn’t confined by distance, as it domineeringly revealed the drifting smoke and dust wherever it passed.

Sheyan instantly felt an incomparably intense threat. Though the mirror upheld by that serpent-headed statue was crafted with polished crystal, it was probably enhanced with insurmountably lethal dark magic. The beam failed to disperse, as it converged the afterglow of the setting sun onto a single dot!

When the beam arrived before Sheyan, it had already expanded to the size of a flashlight. The glare of the beam remained dazzling and incisive, like a culmination of the scorching sun, causing one to refrain from staring intently.

Wherever it passed, it seemed a passage of vacuum was combusted out. Furthermore, its burning temperature even cauterized out a distinct charred mark across the long and narrow bridge. Even the rocks showed signs of melting.

Fortunately, the focused sunlight had been carved over from far to near. Although it displayed matchless speed, Sheyan was still presented with a sliver of buffer. From his position of almost officially stepping on the bridgehead, he managed to hastily dive behind a rock. Still, he could feel the scorching dazzling beam jolting through, as a warmness rushed against his skin before a scalding heat wave ensued!

Sheyan was 5-6 metres away from the convergence spot of the sun’s afterglow. Nevertheless, he could already sense the tyrannical heat it emanated. Without a doubt, if he had directly dashed through that snare mechanism, that laser beam would undoubtedly slice him into two; leaving him ignited by a tragic fate. An inescapable fate of instant death!

This mechanism was truly too domineering. Sheyan lifted his head to observe the sky. At most, the sun would fully set within half an hour. Even during this period, a regiment of dark clouds could simply engulf the sun in darkness. Without its blazing afterglow, this snare would be utterly crippled. Although time was tight, Sheyan could still afford to wait for half an hour.

But just as he was about to sit down and wait, an ominous notion welled up in his heart.

"Very evidently, the designer of this devastating sun snare was no fool. He would definitely be aware that though this snare was undefiable and fatal, it was restricted by the conditions of the sky. Every day, it can at most uphold its fearsome deadliness for no more than 6 hours…moreover, downcasted skies or rainy days would utterly cripple it."

"Therefore, why would that Ndipaya artisan design such a low-efficiency snare? Those designers couldn’t have staked their blood, sweat, and riches just to commit such folly!"

Pondering over that, beads of cold sweat trickled down Sheyan’s back. He had suddenly realized the most vital aspect……what was the most sacred core of the Ndipaya Kingdom??

Without a doubt, it was the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ rumored to offer eternal life!

Thus, inferring from a logical point of view, one would definitely have to pass through the trails of a sun god, in order to obtain the powers of the miraculous ‘Stairway of the Sun’!

This indicated one point - the sole path that leads to ‘Stairway of the Sun’ garden, was very likely to only open when the sun was up. Once the sun sets and this deadly sun converging snare inevitably loses its effect, that also signified that the road would be blocked. Since the path to the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ was cut off, one had to wait till the sun rises again before entry would be possible.

Contemplating all these, Sheyan’s heart palpitated with anxiety! Who knows when the sun would rise again, and he would probably have to wait for 12 hours later. That was a total of 120,000 utility points. Moreover, if the next few days was forecasted to be gloomy……oh no!!

Realizing that, Sheyan could only sample a step onto the bridgehead, and once again trigger the snare. The blazing beam bolted in once again, seemingly cauterizing its surrounding air.

This time, Sheyan was already eyeing the location he would dodge to. With a fierce leap, he lurched towards the fringe leading into the abyss. Right before he was about to fall off, he drilled his saber into the lateral right of this rocky bridge; allowing his entire body to be suspended in mid-air.

Once again, that beam blazed through, but only along the course of the bridge. Though that was so, Sheyan’s hair curled up from the roasting temperature. Nonetheless, he managed to evade this fatal beam.

Leaping, stabbing and dodging high above emptiness was the pinnacle of danger. Yet, Sheyan gambled!

As the focused sunlight beam whizzed past, Sheyan immediately exploded with strength, as he pulled his entire body upwards with his arm strength. After 2-3 seconds of dashing along the stone bridge, he executed the same action and dodged towards the side of the bridge.

After consecutively repeating this method, he very quickly arrived at the middle of this bridge. At this point, it could no longer be described as a narrow bridge. Instead, it resembled a wide district seemingly like an observation deck. Clearly, this was devised artificially, which allowed brave challenging warriors to rest a little.

Even with Sheyan’s current indomitable might, this method of forcibly drilling rocks for rock climbing, left him drenched in perspiration by the time he reached here. He panted violently as his single arm felt an immeasurable ache, feeling as though it had also been severed. Though that was so, Sheyan’s breathing time here could only be calculated with a trifling few seconds. After catching his breath, he reignited his advance.

Observing the seemingly flaming sky that was covered densely with red clouds, it seemed like in any second now, a dark cloud would shield off the sun; allowing darkness to descend upon the earth - the moment where Sheyan’s expediting dreams would be utterly dashed.

At this moment, as Sheyan took several steps forward again, he instantly felt a slight softness beneath his feet. Once again, that snare was inevitably triggered. Instantaneously, a sonorous rumble echoed from the distant stone platform. Next, another exact serpent headed stone statue of utmost malevolence slithered up rapidly. Yet this time, it was a model with a gigantic mirror hung atop its shoulder, which volleyed out another ray of matchless burning ferocity!

In this manner, it was now two converging sun beams that followed each other and lasered in. It was incredibly tyrannical, streaking in with matchless sorrow.

Prior to this, Sheyan could still borrow the time where the first beam whizzed through, to leap up to the bridge before sprinting and subsequently, drilling his long saber into the lateral edge of the bridge again. Yet with the appearance of the second statue, that gap had shortened extensively.

Just when Sheyan was racking his brain juice in search of a plan to proceed, he suddenly realized something fishy to his rear.

As he spun around for a glance, he witnessed Mbenga charging towards here with a pace as fast as lightning. He was insanely frantic as though something was thrusting his buttocks.

When Mbenga reached the bridge, he executed an abrupt roll. Unbeknownst how, he actually pressed a mechanism while executing the roll.

Suddenly, a nearby sliding rock wall rumbled open, revealing its shocking content filled with Ndipaya pikes!

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