
Chapter 447 - Primordial Realm

Chapter 447 - Primordial Realm

This went on until Wang Chao destroyed Baiyang Town.

Long Chen quickly figured out the cat’s main talent. Other than bragging, he did not seem to have any other abilities, to which the Reincarnation Beast replied, “Do you think it was easy to change the fate of the whole town and bring you all back to life? Let me tell you this—I have no combat abilities now because I have wasted all the strength I saved up over ten thousand years on you guys!”

Long Chen only believed half of it.

However, due to the presence of the fat cat, the somber journey suddenly experienced a lift in mood.

In the beginning, Long Chen treated the Reincarnation Beast with great reverence and almost saw him as a god, seeing as he was living within the Primordial Dragon Talisman. However, the longer they chatted, the more he realized that all he did was brag.

They thought less and less of the Reincarnation Beast as time went on, and at one point, Long Chen decided to call him “Little Cat” or “Fat Cat.”

The greatest surprise he learned along the way was that Little Cat was fluent in the language of beasts! If Long Chen could learn it too, then he would be able to communicate directly with Xiaolang!

“Whatever. I see that you two are unable to communicate with each other, so I have decided to shower you with mercy and compassion. Let me teach you the language of beasts; you must learn it properly so you do not embarrass my name. Years ago, during ancient times, I was the famous god of reincarnation!”

“Fat Cat, that’s enough nonsense. Get on with it,” Long Chen said directly.

“Do not call me Fat Cat again, Ant, or I will ... Whatever. A god does not argue with a mortal peasant like you. As for the language of beasts, listen closely ...”

Five days later, Long Chen had almost completely mastered the language of beasts. When he realized that he actually could understand Xiaolang’s words, he was ecstatic.

Of course, Xiaolang was also excited to be able to communicate with Long Chen. Ever since becoming a Sun Devouring Wolf, he felt like he was living in his own world where only Ling Xi could communicate with him. Now that he could finally talk to Long Chen, he was emotional. Long Chen had chosen this path, and that meant they would be on a very, very long journey together, so everything changed when they were able to communicate directly.

“Big Brother!” Xiaolang looked emotional.

“It’s good we can communicate,” said Long Chen, nodding. Then he said to Little Cat, who was hiding in the Primordial Dragon Talisman, “Fat Cat, I’m extremely grateful for this. Let’s be friends, alright? If you ever need anything, you can tell me. If I am able, I will help you!”

“Uh ... Haha! It’s nothing to me. I did it without even lifting a finger; it was effortless. No worries, no worries ...” said Little Cat humbly.

Long Chen wanted to slap him when he reacted so snobbishly. The fat cat was snobbish and loved to brag, but was also extremely cowardly. Long Chen truly suspected that he was lying about being a Reincarnation Beast.

Little Cat emerged from the Primordial Dragon Talisman as a cloud of smoke and eyed Xiaolang, tutting, “Little Dog, I gave you the ability to speak. How will you thank me?”

“I am a human, not a dog,” said Xiaolang, shaking his head in exasperation.

“Of course I know you’re a human, but right now, you’re in the body of a Sun Devouring Wolf, so you’re a demonic beast like me. I am the Reincarnation Beast, the apex of all beasts. You need to call me ‘Ancestor,’ you know.” Little Cat sighed, rubbing his protruding belly with his paw.

“Fat Cat, have you ever seen a wolf whose ancestor was a cat?” huffed Xiaolang.

“Uh ... Uh ... Haha! All sorts of peculiarities exist in this world! How can you be so sure that I can’t give birth to a wolf?” Little Cat responded hurriedly.

Long Chen watched the passionate cat and the cold wolf arguing, and his heavy, hurting heart slowly healed. These two were not true demonic beasts; they had human thinking and human souls. Chatting with them was like chatting with humans. Long Chen suddenly had the urge to laugh as he watched them bicker.

He had to admit that the Reincarnation Beast’s appearance relaxed his solemn heart.

However, when he observed their conversation, he sensed that Little Cat was likely an extraordinary being. Long Chen had not told him about Xiaolang’s matters, but he knew that Xiaolang was a human in a Sun Devouring Wolf’s body, and he also knew of the Sun Devouring Wolf’s unlimited growth potential. Most importantly, he was not shocked at all by any of it, as if this was a very normal fact.

“Actually, the Primordial Dragon Talisman has another function that you can utilize, Long Chen,” Little Cat suddenly said when they were approaching the Imperial Capital.

“What is it?” Long Chen asked excitedly.

“A place called the Primordial Realm lies within the Primordial Dragon Talisman. In your current state, you can only use it like a Universe Pouch. I’m usually inside the Primordial Realm too. The benefit of it is that if someone kills you, it will be difficult for them to get the things you store inside. It’s the best place to keep anything you need to hide. And there’s one more advantage ...”

Little Cat eyed Xiaolang mischievously and said, “Living beings can also survive in the Primordial Realm. For example, you can toss the little black dog in there. There is a small amount of Primordial Qi in the Primordial Realm, which will help the little black dog grow. It’s not a good look for him to follow us around anyway, so might as well toss him in there so he won’t scare anyone out here.”

This was a great surprise to Long Chen.

“Fat Cat, how big is the Primordial Realm?” he asked hurriedly.

“That depends on your capabilities. The more Qi you have, the larger the Primordial Realm. At your cultivation level, you can fit fifty little black dogs like this one in his combat state,” the fat cat said while snickering.

“Fifty? Considering Xiaolang’s size, fifty is huge!” Long Chen was overjoyed. The appearance of the Reincarnation Beast had indeed brought him many benefits.

“What do you think? I’ve given you benefits again, haven’t I? So, let’s lock up the little black dog in the Primordial Realm. What do you think?” Little Cat seemed to instinctively harbor enmity towards Xiaolang, trying to target him at every opportunity.

Xiaolang, who was hurrying along, turned around and glared at Little Cat fiercely. Little Cat quickly hid behind Long Chen at such a speed that even Long Chen was impressed.

Xiaolang didn’t feel like arguing, or he would have reduced Little Cat to ashes with his Nine Devils Ancestral Fire. After a while, both Long Chen and Xiaolang discovered that Little Cat seemed to be afraid of the Nine Devils Ancestral Fire, which was why he was so afraid of Xiaolang.

“Alright. Can you teach me how to use the Primordial Realm now?” Long Chen said with a grin. He planned to move all his possessions into it. If it really was like what Little Cat said, then it was the safest place in the world.

Although Little Cat was snobbish, he was gracious when teaching Long Chen new techniques. Soon, Long Chen learned how to control the Primordial Realm and could sense a gray, blurry space that existed in the Primordial Dragon Talisman. There was a large amount of gray gas inside too.

“This is Primordial Qi; it was formed when the heavens and earth were formed. Both cultivators and demonic beasts alike can benefit greatly from it. The little black dog won’t evolve perfectly if all it absorbs is fire-type treasures. Primordial Qi will nourish his body and merge with him, allowing him to truly become the greatest demonic beast in the world,” Little Cat explained dramatically.

As he spoke, the expression on his face showed that he would be unimpressed even if Xiaolang had become the ultimate beast.

After learning how to use the Primordial Realm, Long Chen attempted to move his possessions inside. Through sensing the space with his consciousness, he could clearly sense the location of his items inside the realm. He could take them out by using his mind too.

This was much safer than storing them in his Universe Pouch. Even if he was killed, other people would not be able to get the items he had stored inside the Primordial Realm.

Letting Xiaolang stay inside the Primordial Realm to cultivate was also a good idea. Bringing a beast like him along was not convenient in certain situations, though since Xiaolang was not willing to enter under normal circumstances, Long Chen would not force him to. It would be all up to Xiaolang.

Very quickly, Long Chen moved all of his possessions into the Primordial Realm.

“Big Brother, the fat cat keeps talking up the Primordial Qi. Let me go in to check it out,” Xiaolang said curiously.

Long Chen nodded. Xiaolang did not resist when he was transferred into the Primordial Realm.

“The Primordial Realm is like a miniverse under your control. When you become stronger, you might even be able to enter the Primordial Realm yourself,” Little Cat said smugly.

Soon, Long Chen moved Xiaolang out of the Primordial Realm.

“How was it?” he asked.

“Fat Cat is right. I did feel something, and although it was faint, I am sure that it was definitely something good ...” said Xiaolang, as if he could not get enough of it.

“In that case, let’s go say goodbye to my master ...”

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