
Chapter 553. Maintenance (3)

“...Undress?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow.

Since this lady told him to undress, did that mean he should take his clothes off? But... Why should he do that?

That was when he spotted the strangely-shaped bed in the middle of this care suite. And then... a wave of anxiety suddenly washed over him. Humans instinctively felt rejection or repulsion when witnessing something that exceeded their capacity to comprehend, and that\'s what happened to Kang Jin-Ho.

Everything in this room, starting from various colorful plants to expensive-looking interior trimmings, was totally foreign to Kang Jin-Ho. The strange disharmony one might feel while looking at an alien in a sci-fi movie was the emotion Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t stop feeling while scanning this room.

And that massage bed smack-dab in the middle of the room? It didn\'t suit his style even more!

Kang Jin-Ho suspiciously asked, “Do I... need to strip when receiving skincare?”

“Yes, sir. You will be receiving a full-body massage along with our skincare procedure. It includes the usage of oil, which necessitates removal of clothing.”

“...Oh, I see.” Kang Jin-Ho nodded. He was still unconvinced, but what could he do about it? Other than start undoing his pants right there and then? “Should I do it here?”

“N-no, wait! Sir, it\'s this way!” The skincare specialist jumped up in surprise and hurriedly guided Kang Jin-Ho to a side door. When she opened it, a spacious changing room revealed itself. And it even had a huge closet about three times larger than a regular-sized one.

“We\'ve prepared a gown and a pair of men\'s underwear inside the closet, sir. Once you\'ve changed, please put on the gown and join us back in the suite.”

“...Did you say underwear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded again, his expression heroically determined like a soldier about to charge into the frontlines.

The skincare specialist also made a determined face while nodding, then closed the door to the changing room once Kang Jin-Ho stepped inside. She headed to the counter, then sighed deeply at her colleagues. “I think he knows nothing about this place.”

“You\'re so right. That gent is supposed to be Miss Choi\'s friend, but that can\'t be true, right? I mean, doesn\'t he look a bit... too naive for that?”

“Why is he so handsome, though?”


Everyone\'s gaze landed on the employee who said that. After noticing their weird gazes, she became rather defensive. “What? I\'m not joking, you know? He is really good-looking. Don\'t believe me? Take a look again for yourselves, okay?”

“Weird. I didn\'t get that feeling at all?”

“I\'m being serious. It\'s like, I\'ve seen him from somewhere before, but... Hang on a sec. Isn\'t he that man who showed up in Choi Yeon-Ha\'s TV show not too long ago?”


“You know, that guy! The boyfriend who only showed up in the first episode of that drama series!”

Several employees started tilting their heads after she said that.


“Wait a minute, now that you mention it...”

“E-eii, there\'s no way. Don\'t you remember how everyone lost their minds back then? If our client is that actor... There\'s no way he can be that ordinary, right?”

“I\'m telling you, he\'s hot! Seriously! Didn\'t you see our Miss Yi taking pictures of him earlier?!”


That was when the door suddenly opened loudly, and Kang Jin-Ho emerged outside while frowning a little. The employees were left speechless by what they saw.

\'He\'s... handsome.\'

\'Like, seriously handsome!\'

\'Why is walking around wearing such clothes? Were they artifacts to seal his looks or something?\'

What a bizarre thing this was. Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t seem particularly eye-catching with his clothes on. Now that he wore nothing but a gown, though... His facial features seemed to be more alive. People often said that clothes gave you wings, but not in Kang Jin-Ho\'s case. His clothes actually clipped his wings instead!

\'He should just walk around naked all the time!\'

\'Wow, just... Just look at his leg muscles!\'

\'And, and his skin, too...! Look at his incredible skin!\'

When the employees crowding around the counter silently stared at him with open mouths, Kang Jin-Ho frowned even more in discomfort. “...Excuse me, what should I do now?”

“...! Oh! My apologies, sir!” The skincare specialist jumped up in shock again before rushing toward Kang Jin-Ho. “Please, follow me back inside. I\'ll show you how to use the suite\'s facilities.”

That was when other employees suddenly butted in.

“Wait, unnie? Didn\'t you say you\'re busy today? You know I can do this for you, right?”

“N-no, I\'m not busy at all. Nope!”

Kang Jin-Ho was practically dragged back inside the suite by the somewhat-urgent-looking specialist.

\'Am I... doing the right thing here?\'

He couldn\'t help but wonder about this for a while now. Since one of the conditions was not questioning Choi Yeon-Ha\'s orders, Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t quit now even if he wanted to, but the thoughts of something going wrong didn\'t want to leave him alone.

“Sir, please lie down here.”


For some reason, the specialist sounded a little brighter than before. As if her mood had improved in the meantime. However... That must be Kang Jin-Ho\'s imagination. Probably?

When Kang Jin-Ho lay down on the massage bed, a large sheet was placed over his torso. The specialist stood by his head, then smiled brightly at him. “Once you receive our service, you\'ll feel relaxed and recharged, sir.”


For some reason, Kang Jin-Ho\'s fatigue was piling up instead.


Zhang Dajing\'s expression was as gloomy as a human could get. Never mind a good night\'s sleep, he hadn\'t had a proper meal in the last few days. No wonder his complexion was so poor.

“Zhang Dajing... Get some rest, fella.”

Zhang Dajing slowly shook his head. “It\'s fine. I don\'t need it.”

“You\'ll also collapse if you keep this up,” said Zhang Dajing\'s colleague.

“A martial artist won\'t collapse after foregoing sleep for a few days. Stop worrying about me.”

“Don\'t be unreasonable, Zhang Dajing…”

Unfortunately, the words of concern from his colleagues entered Zhang Dajing\'s ear only to slip out the other. His fierce gaze was locked on the firmly shut doorway.

\'Sir... Vator...!\'

After his discharge from the hospital, Vator had shut himself in that room and never left it. Not even once. He also forbade anyone from entering, which included Zhang Dajing.

Others believed Vator was heartbroken by his loss, but Zhang Dajing knew that couldn\'t be the case.

\'No, it can\'t be...\'

Zhang Dajing shook his head. His brain still hadn\'t recovered from what Vator said immediately after waking up.

\'It just cannot be!\'

Logically, it made no sense. How could someone with such a firm, unyielding mindset completely surrender to an opponent just because of a single loss?

Didn\'t Vator willingly enter into that contract so that he could challenge the Crimson King again? That was what Vator\'s personality was like, so how could that measly Kang Jin-Ho...!


A loud howl of a beast suddenly exploded forth from inside the room. Zhang Dajing shuddered powerfully. This wasn\'t the first time he heard that yell or was surprised silly by it. Initially, whenever he heard Vator\'s cry, Zhang Dajing tried to barge into the room but got rejected every single time.

There wasn\'t much Zhang Dajing could do or say when Vator threatened to rip him apart limb to limb if he ever entered the room without permission. Especially with his eyes burning in an eerie crimson hue!

\'Just what is going on in there...?\'

What happened was nothing out of the ordinary. No more than a warrior challenging someone and tasting defeat. That was about it. Yes, various things happened in the process, but the event as a whole could be summed up like that. However, the result was definitely not as simple as the summary.

Zhang Dajing couldn\'t enjoy a relaxing rest because of one simple reason. The Vator he knew would never be heartbroken from a defeat. There must be something else going on here if Vator vehemently refused others from approaching him like this!

And that something else was happening within Vator\'s psyche!

\'Just what did that man do?!\'

In that case, there could be only one culprit: Kang Jin-Ho!

That man must\'ve done something to Vator. Without that, why would the big man be in such torment? However, what exactly did he do? Just what trick did Kang Jin-Ho use to torment someone as powerful and unyielding as Vator?

Zhang Dajing held his face hard. Waves of emotions containing his concern for Vator\'s condition and the bone-chilling fear of Kang Jin-Ho crashed into Zhang Dajing\'s guts. These waves were so powerful that he could barely withstand them.

“...Sir Vator. Please...!”

Despite his concerted effort, Zhang Dajing just couldn\'t make his voice sound more energetic.


“Urgh... Huh-ugh...!”

Vator grabbed his head. Simply saying he grabbed it seemed inadequate for this situation, however. Veins were bulging on his thick, powerful arms. And his skull was creaking and trembling from the incredible pressure of his grip.

If he squeezed any harder... Vator might shatter his own skull!

“Kang... Jin-Ho!”

Vator\'s tightly shut eyelids suddenly flew open. His eyes were shockingly crimson, as if a bucket of blood had been poured on them. Vator now resembled a devil from Hell with bulging veins on his face and burst capillaries around his pupils.

The big man\'s body shuddered pitifully. What Vator was doing right now could be described by one word: resisting.

He was resisting with all his might! He was desperately rejecting and fighting against the voice ringing inside his head. However, something that sounded so simple proved to be torture so painful that his entire body continued to tremble.

“Heuh... euuuuhk...!”

The sounds of leaking air escaped from Vator\'s tightly clenched lips.

He could hear it. He could hear that voice. The voice that tried to pressure him into submission!

-Surrender. Obey me.

“Never!” Vator loudly cried out, then gritted his teeth.

He could never do such a thing. Never! Why would he resist Kang Jin-Ho, of all people? Shouldn\'t he obviously obey the...

N-No! Why should I obey?! The obvious thing is to resist, isn\'t it?!

“...Goddamn it!”

Vator grimaced, but his expression eventually became slack-jawed.

He was gradually losing his grip on sanity. His mind began resisting that man\'s attempt to rule over him since... a certain moment in time. Whenever Vator heard Kang Jin-Ho\'s name, the big man\'s body would try to shrink like a scared little puppy. Whenever Vator remembered Kang Jin-Ho\'s face, he became frightened like a little kid cowering before his enraged father.

He... He must submit and obey. Vator must obey Kang Jin-Ho!

“Noooo! Uwaaaaaaaaah!”

Vator shot up to his feet and kicked the nearest table. His massive fists flew around to destroy the bed, then he kicked a TV next.

“I...! I\'m not your servant! I, I am...!”

-You are Vator!

“No! Never! I, I am Vator! I am none other than Vator, the proud warrior of the verdant plains!”

Vator discovered that there was something wrong with him after regaining consciousness. All Zhang Dajing did was briefly insult Kang Jin-Ho, but that triggered this incredible rage in Vator\'s heart as if his blood was flowing backward! If Vator had failed to hold on to the last remaining vestige of sanity back then, Zhang Dajing would no longer be among the living today.

It was as if Vator was a religious zealot whose chosen deity had been insulted in his face. The rage and animosity he felt was something he had never felt before. How was something like this even possible?!

Having realized something was wrong with him, Vator tried to resist. To free himself from this predicament. However, the voice continued to trickle into his ear like a devil\'s whisper announcing his eventual defeat.

-Surrender and obey me.

Indeed, that voice... was an absolute and unavoidable declaration! Something Vator could never resist. Something he must not resist!

“Uwaaaaaaaaah!” Vator screamed while holding his head. He couldn\'t endure it any longer and collapsed to the floor. He gasped and panted pitifully. “No... Never... I, I\'m not your servant...! I\'m the warrior... of the verdant... plains, Vator! I am...”

-Obey me!

“I, I am...!”


Vator squeezed his eyes shut, only for a massive crimson flame to pounce on him... As if to burn him right down to his soul! Every time Vator tried to resist Kang Jin-Ho\'s voice, unbearable pain wrecked his body. The pain was so merciless and enormous that even someone of Vator\'s caliber could only scream like a frightened mutt!

Vator could endure any physical pain. But the pain akin to his soul being crushed? He couldn\'t stand it!

“I, I am...!”


Vator\'s eyes went duller and glassier as he muttered quietly. “I, I am...”

His hushed whisper escaped his mouth over and over again.



The door suddenly flew open viciously.

“S-Sir Vator!” Zhang Dajing gasped out in shock at the sight of Vator emerging through the once firmly shut door. That mountainous imposing body confidently stepped past the wide-open doorway. Zhang Dajing\'s trembling gaze scanned Vator\'s expression. “...Oh!”

An awed gasp left Zhang Dajing\'s mouth. That was because Vator\'s expression was no longer scary or stiff. As if all the worries plaguing him until now were gone.

\'He\'s... overcome this trial!\'

Zhang Dajing felt hope welling up deep inside his heart.

“Zhang Dajing,” said Vator.

“Yes, sir!” Zhang Dajing energetically replied.

“Get the car ready.”

“...W-where would you like to go, sir?”

Vator replied as if he was stating the obvious. “I must go speak to my master, Kang Jin-Ho!”

That was when the heavens collapsed on top of Zhang Dajing.

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