
Chapter 113: Single for 20 Years Since Birth (Please Subscribe - For slivermoonlz)

The following surgery no longer worried Li He about whether Chen Cang would succeed.

Because he knew that this young physician was highly skilled, especially when it came to handling details, which always impressed him and sometimes even inspired him in his work.

Moreover… what surprised Li He was this:

Chen Gang’s technique was extremely standardized.

Li He couldn’t find any faults or issues with it.

If Li He had to comment, he’d describe the surgery as a textbook operation.

Could it have been anything but standardized?

With “expert guidance” in effect, it would have been difficult for Chen Cang to be anything less.

As for technical prowess, Li He could understand; after all, it’s a doctor’s job, and practice makes perfect.


There was something else he was very curious about!

How had this young doctor developed such strength and stability in his hands, without sacrificing flexibility?

How had he done it?

This operation had lasted three hours already, and it was high-intensity, yet not once did Chen Gang’s hands tremble, steady as a bell.

What kind of strength and endurance must that require?

How remarkable were his hands?

Finally, the surgery was over!

Li He couldn’t help but burst into applause!

After all, today’s operation had withstood scrutiny in both intensity and precision—it was genuine proficiency that couldn’t be achieved without solid fundamentals.

And this young doctor had gone the entire procedure without a break, handling each surgical task with great finesse.

Especially the repair and suturing of the duodenum and the colon were so strong that Li He couldn’t resist giving a thumbs up.

Although Guo Cheng’s skills weren’t up to par, he still had an eye for talent.

He followed Li He’s lead and began to applaud as well.

After pulling down his mask, Chen Cang looked at the two of them, nodded with a smile as a gesture of acknowledgment, then turned to Guo Cheng, “Mission accomplished!”

Guo Cheng’s face beamed with joy, “Fantastic! You did such a great job.”

“By the way, let me introduce you; his is Director Li He, an expert from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery at Capital’s 301 Hospital!”

In fact, Li He wasn’t that old; he was just past forty.

Li He hurried to shake hands, “Hello, Dr. Chen, I’m Li He. Today’s surgery was very enlightening for me!”

Chen Cang smiled and unconsciously applied a bit of strength to the handshake, making Li He instantly feel a considerable force, which startled him internally. Dr. Chen had quite powerful hands.

“Director Li, hello, I’m Chen Cang from the emergency department of the Provincial Second Hospital.”

Once Chen Cang removed his mask, Li He noticed how young he was!

“Dr. Chen is so young! Truly a rising star!” Li He exclaimed with heartfelt praise.

Unlike the internal medicine field, surgery is a young man’s game—the younger you are when you begin, the better. Of course, that’s only if you manage to get started in the first place.

If you’re just an ordinary young doctor, working in a county-level hospital doing surgery, you might not get started for a long time.

This ‘getting started’ is about getting into ‘the circle’.

In Li He’s eyes, someone like Chen Cang was definitely a promising newcomer in the circle, one who, even if not renowned today, was destined for great things in the future.

After removing their gowns and washing their hands, they exchanged contact information.

It was as if they felt a mutual admiration for each other.

Pushing the patient out of the surgery room, Chen Cang walked alongside Li He and Guo Cheng.

By then, Sun Zhengwei, Jin Qingzhi, and the family members had been waiting outside for a long time, and Yang Yani hurried over to greet everyone as they came out.

“Doctor, how was it?”

Guo Cheng spoke indifferently, “The surgery was successful, but… the old man’s condition is not good. After opening the abdomen, we discovered many severe complications. Fortunately, we had experts here today, and the surgery went surprisingly well. Rest assured!”

Upon hearing the first part of Guo Cheng’s statement, everyone shuddered in fear, but the latter part put their minds at ease.

Sun Zhengwei said to Feng Aihua with a smile, “Auntie Feng, your son is quite accomplished, able to invite experts from the capital to do the surgery. We have him to thank for this!”

Sun Zhengwei’s intention was nothing more than to build a relationship with Jin Qingzhi and Li He.

Jin Qingzhi, too, looked at Feng Aihua and couldn’t help saying, “Mom, you see, Dad and you are getting older. If it wasn’t for Li He, something would have definitely gone wrong today. You all… are getting on in years and can’t keep up with the times. Can’t you listen to us? What harm could we do to you?”

” I will discuss it with my younger brother and younger sister and prepare to move you to the capital. We can buy a house together…”

At that moment, what Jin Qingzhi said wasn’t wrong, as older people can indeed be quite stubborn.

However, the elderly are accustomed to their social circles and are unwilling to change. Their neighbors are friends, neighbors, and old revolutionary comrades.

Moreover, here they can call upon familiar doctors for medicine or injections with just one phone call.

These were all family matters, and Chen Cang did not want to meddle. He glanced at the time, and it was nearly three in the afternoon. After greeting Guo Cheng and Li He, he got up to leave.

Seeing this, Li He hurriedly pulled Jin Qingzhi aside and said, “Qingzhi, today you owe Dr. Chen a big thank you. From beginning to end, the surgery was done by Dr. Chen. I didn’t even assist.”

“Dr. Chen’s skills and level are even more impressive than mine. And today, your father’s situation was indeed serious. It wasn’t just a simple gallstone; the entire abdominal cavity had severe adhesions, duodenal fistulas, and a damaged colon, all needing repair. Dr. Chen’s surgery was meticulous and excellent!”

“So for today’s surgery, you really need to thank Dr. Chen!”

With that, Li He left everyone dumbfounded!

So the surgery was performed by that young man just now.

Guo Cheng also nodded in agreement, “Right, today’s surgery was performed by Dr. Chen. His level is very high!”

The new postgraduates behind were full of envy, looking at Chen Cang as he departed with the cool air of an idol.

Hearing this, Jin Qingzhi’s expression changed, and he hurried out after Chen Cang, with Li He and Guo Cheng following.

Frantically, Jin Qingzhi caught up to Chen Cang and pulled out a stack of money from his bag, at least ten thousand, “Dr. Chen, I’m sorry, I… have no other intentions, this is for your hard work, expertise! Thank you for your efforts today.”

Chen Cang hurriedly declined. He had come at the invitation of Guo Cheng, and the expert fee had already been given, not a small amount, a thousand yuan.

Although it wasn’t much compared to the surgery itself, it was what had been agreed upon.

And… Chen Gang’s biggest gain was from the system, and today’s gains could be said to be quite substantial. Chen Cang hadn’t had the chance to lookyet!

After listening, Jin Qingzhi stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. “This… Dr. Chen, I… you… this is very embarrassing for me.”

Chen Cang laughed, “You don’t need to do this, it’s my job. Moreover, Director Guo and I have already settled things. Mr. Jin, you just go back and take good care of your parents. Don’t worry about me.”

Having said that, Chen Cang walked outside. Li He suddenly remembered he still had a question to ask and quickly followed, asking softly, “Dr. Chen, I have a question, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Chen Cang was startled, “Go ahead.”

Li He smiled sheepishly, his face full of hope, “When I watched you performing surgery, your hands were strong and enduring, flexible yet stable. I wanted to ask… how did you develop such strength and stability in your hands?”

Chen Cang was momentarily stunned!

Can I tell you about the attribute of my gloves?

Besides that!

He felt that this question… wasn’t really a question at all.

Thinking this, Chen Cang took a deep breath, “I’ve been single for twenty-seven years!”

After saying that, Chen Cang turned and walked away with style.

Leaving everyone with his retreating figure!

Li He was baffled, unaware of the reference. Having gone to America to study at the age of 12 and had his first girlfriend at 15, a passionate, fiery, and beautiful French girl, he had never been single for longer than a month. How could he grasp the sorrow of Chen Cang?

Even Jin Qingzhi looked puzzled.

Taking a deep breath, Li He felt that he had to ponder this issue with his Ph.D. students after returning to the hospital. Does being single truly enhance the steadiness and strength of one’s hands during surgery?

After all, his Ph.D. student had also been single for over thirty years…

Jin Qingzhi stood up quickly, “Dr. Chen, I have a car, let me drive you to work.”

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