
Chapter 127: Caught!

Chapter 127: Caught!

This was a matter of such importance that they wouldn’t be able to resolve on their own, so it was natural for them to seek out help from their family.

Yun Moxiao and Yun Ruoyan decided not to inform Yun Lan of the matter just yet, because it would necessarily involve revealing Zhuo Yifeng’s existence. In order to protect the Zhuo siblings, they would temporarily tell only Lin Zainan.

Lin Qingchen even cast a hex on Lin Qingxue to prevent her from saying anything related to the secret. Even Lin Qingxue herself was unusually solemn as she promised not to divulge anything even on pain of death.

After their discussion, the group prepared to return to the Lin family. Lin Qingchen wrote a prescription and handed it to Lin Qingxue, telling her to retrieve the stated herbs from the apothecary.

Although the Lins had quite a few spiritual herbs to protect the body against the cold, they were too potent for Zhuo Lin’er’s frail body. Instead, she would have to make do with simple, medicinal tonics.

“Brother Zhuo,” Lin Qingchen then remarked to Zhuo Yifeng, “you can’t continue living in a place like this, or Lin’er’s cold might just worsen. If you don’t mind, I’d like to invite you to live at the Lin estate with us.”

“Yes, yes, you totally should!” Lin Qingxue was just about to head out with the prescription, but when she heard her sister’s words, she turned right back around.

Zhuo Yifeng was naturally unwilling to live on someone else’s charity, especially given his close shave. On one hand, he didn’t want his sister’s condition to worsen, but on the other…

Zhuo Lin’er lowered her head. She’d always listened to her brother on this issue, and would neither grumble nor make a request against his wishes.

“Alright, that’s settled.” Not letting Zhuo Yifeng vacillate any further, Yun Ruoyan began making preparations immediately.

“Brother,” Yun Ruoyan turned to Yun Moxiao. “Go rent a carriage from the streets. We’ll bring Lin’er to the Lin family immediately.”

Then she turned to Lin Qingxue, still standing by the door. “Qingxue, what’re you hesitating there for? Go get the herbs.”

“Yes, I’ll head to the apothecary immediately!” Lin Qingxue ran off with a hop and a skip.

Yun Moxiao also went out to rent a carriage.

Only then did Yun Ruoyan turn toward Zhuo Yifeng. “The fact that you suddenly ran off with Lin’er in tow means that the Farsighted King will be suspicious of you, even if you weren’t discovered that night. I expect he’s already sent people to the capital in search of you, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out about this place. Staying at the Lin estate with the girls will help protect you from his grasp.”

Zhuo Yifeng finally nodded and turned to Lin Qingchen. “I can handle a lot of tasks. Will you provide me with a job?”

“Of course!” Lin Qingchen replied quickly. “I’m in search of someone to help me take care of my magical beasts, and you’d be just the person for it!”

Not long later, Yun Moxiao returned with a carriage and headed to the front of the inn to settle the beastkin siblings’ bill. He had expected to have to pay a little out of pocket, but to his surprise, the innkeeper ended up handing him a few silver taels. Apparently, Zhuo Yifeng had been going out hunting regularly and selling his spoils to the inn, not only defraying the costs of living in the shack but also providing a little income.

Yun Moxiao looked at the silver in his hand, growing even more appreciative of Zhuo Yifeng.

He’d learned from the others that Zhuo Yifeng was a beastkin. Although human-beastkin relations had improved significantly over the past four years, they were still considerably discriminated against on the Chenyuan continent. No matter their contributions, no beastkin could advance beyond a certain extent in the army; even as a fifth-rank blademaster, a beastkin would likely only be able to get a lawful identity as a slave in a noble household.

It was rare for there to be self-sufficient beastkin like the Zhuo siblings who could hide their identity and walk among humans. Yun Moxiao handed the silver to Zhuo Yifeng, who refused it and told him to treat it as the cost of the carriage.

Just then, Lin Qingchen spoke up. “I still have a lot of your spoils from the expedition, so I’ll return them to you when we get home.”

When they informed Lin Zainan of the matter, he sat contemplating the matter for quite a long while before responding, “This is truly a troubling affair. I’m not associated with the court, so I won’t be of much help. You’ll have to report to your father and have him deal with the information, I’m afraid.”

Yun Ruoyan then mentioned her reservations involving Zhuo Yifeng.

“Now that your friend’s gotten himself embroiled in this affair, it’ll be difficult for him to escape unscathed. For the moment, hide his identity. Once Kongming Academy’s in session and all of you are in the academy, he’ll be safe.”

Kongming Academy’s authority was beyond that of the four kingdoms. Although its physical location was within the Li kingdom, it was considered its own sovereignty. The Li kingdom couldn’t manipulate the politics of the academy, and the academy wouldn’t disrupt the Li court.

As soon as the term began and the Zhuo siblings were safely enrolled in the academy, the Farsighted King wouldn’t be able to do much about them. After obtaining Zhuo Yifeng’s consent, the group elected to have Yun Moxiao return to the Yun estate that night and tell Yun Lan about the ploy.

As night fell, Yun Lan heard someone knocking at his study. He frowned, disliking any sort of disturbance when he was performing his official duties, but was a little surprised by the identity of the person who had entered.

When Yun Moxiao first returned home from the barracks, he’d briefly seen his father before immediately in search of his abducted sister. Later in the day, the father and son had a big fight over Yun Ruoyan, and Yun Moxiao had left in a huff. A few days later, the two of them had met again in Lin Yuemei’s former cottage on the lake.

This would be their fourth meeting.

“Isn’t your vacation almost up?” Yun Lan asked, dropping the brush in his hands.

He thought that Yun Moxiao was here to say his farewells.

“Not yet.” Yun Moxiao didn’t want to reveal that he wasn’t intending on returning to the barracks at the moment. “The borders are relatively peaceful, and it’s been so long since I’ve taken leave that I should be able to stay all the way until Ruoyan enters Kongming Academy.”

Yun Lan nodded and began perusing his official documents once more.

“Father,” Yun Moxiao called out.

“Is there something else?” Yun Lan didn’t raise his head.

Yun Moxiao walked forward and pressed both palms on his father’s desk. “I have an important matter to announce, Father.”

Yun Lan frowned before raising his head once more and looking seriously at Yun Moxiao.

Without dithering, Yun Moxiao immediately began recounting the day’s events. By the time he finished, Yun Lan was so shocked that he couldn’t say a word.

“That’s impossible!” was the first thing that he muttered when he finally reacted.

“Father, I also thought that this was impossible at first, given the Farsighted King’s reputation for virtuosity. However, I’d rather believe a false rumor than ignore a truthful warning, so I think it’s better to consider this affair carefully.”

Yun Lan crossed his arms as he slowly replied, “Are you aware of the fact that the former emperor intended on handing the throne to the Farsighted King? It was the latter who refused in front of quite a few important officials, or the throne wouldn’t have passed to Li Xiu, then the third prince. And now you’re claiming that the Farsighted King’s planning a rebellion? Even I don’t believe you, let alone the emperor himself.”

Yun Lan’s words left Yun Moxiao even more confused.

“The Farsighted King gave up the throne voluntarily?” He frowned at Yun Lan, trying to confirm his words. “Are you certain?”

Yun Lan nodded. “This is a secret of the imperial family. Except for the past emperor and the Farsighted King himself, six other officials were present. Only these eight people knew of this incident. I was helping your grandfather out with courtly affairs, so I was also among the eight.”

If the Farsighted King truly gave up the throne of his own will, then Zhuo Yifeng’s claim that he had been eyeing the throne for twenty years and had spent the last ten concocting this plan surely couldn’t be true.

Could Zhuo Yifeng have lied? But what would he gain from doing so?

Yun Moxiao left his father’s quarters more confused than ever. He decided to head to Yun Ruoyan’s residence to discuss matters with her once more. Engrossed in thought, the walk seemed to take only a matter of moments. Just as he was about to knock on her door, Yun Moxiao suddenly felt a strange aura nearby.

Given the incident with the mysterious shadow, Yun Moxiao didn’t turn and shout in the direction of the aura. Rather, he pretended that he needed to pee as he walked toward that direction.

The aura seemed to be coming from a patch of shrubbery right by his sister’s yard.

Yun Moxiao walked over, pretending to be unbuckling his belt. Just as he was by the tree, he suddenly dashed up one tree and plucked a person out of its crown.

That person seemed to possess some spiritual energy and was just about to retaliate when Yun Moxiao caught his fist with one hand and disabled him with the other.

“Argh!” the man exclaimed as Yun Moxiao threw him into his sister’s yard.

At the same time, Yun Ruoyan and her three servants walked out of her rooms.

“What, have you been planning something?”

“Yes, Young Master,” Peony replied. “Our mistress detected a strange presence around the yard quite a few days ago, and we’ve been carefully watching our surroundings these past few days.”

“We were told to pretend that we didn’t notice anything. As a result, that fellow grew bolder and bolder, coming closer each day.” Xi Lan added.

Ling Lan lowered her head and continued, “I was just about to drill a dog hole by the side of the fence next morning as a trap for him, but I didn’t expect you would catch him right here and now, Young Master.”

Yun Moxiao began to laugh as he heard each maid’s words. “Ruoyan, your three servants are each more devious than the next! They’re far superior to the dolts at my place.”

Yun Ruoyan smiled before her gaze landed on the man clutching his face in the yard. She instructed Xi Lan, “Bring a lantern over. I want to see who this man is!”

Spying on her for days on end… Yun Ruoyan suspected that this was a man sent by Madam An. Madam An had to be truly frantic to employ such a crude method. Tomorrow, she’d bring the man to her grandmother and see what she had to say!

“Miss, here.” Xi Lan brought the lantern over, and Yun Ruoyan held it close to that man. He was leaning on the floor and hiding his face. A dark green robe covered his body, and he had a similarly covered crown on his head. Yun Ruoyan frowned: his back seemed to be unusually familiar…

“Reveal yourself!” Yun Moxiao grabbed the man by his hair and revealed his face to one and all.

“You?!” both Yun siblings exclaimed together.

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