
Chapter 212 212: The 8th Wave III

Cole didn\'t care who or whatever the fuck this midget Baneling was, the only thing he really could pay attention was the fact that the damn thing was strong….. way too strong. But Cole was nothing if not someone who was always ready to step up to the challenge, no matter what those challenges might be. And frankly speaking as debilitating and painful the wound he had just received is, it wasn\'t nearly enough to kill him, all it could do was torture him by causing him pain while his body healed up.

*POP!* "Arghhhhhh! Fuck!" Cole cried out in pain as one of his bones popped back into place, putting pressure on other parts of his body that was still healing. There was no time to let his [Demonic Constitution] run it\'s course on it\'s own, so Cole flooded the skill with his energy, gritting his teeth as the rapid fire way his body started healing up….one thing about his healing though, as opposed to those who had skills to heal others or magical skill to heal themselves…..it did absolutely nothing about the pain he felt.

And the process itself? Every last second of his muscles and tissues reconnecting, his bones becoming whole once again. But his opponent would not be so kind as to that happen as it leapt into the air, the sheer amount of power it had translated also into extreme speed, though not something that was too fast for Cole not to kill with his eyes closed.

Dark Heracles\'s landing point was without a doubt, Cole\'s own head. And funny enough Cole was not yet healed up enough to move, he had thought that the extent of the damage was only to his chest cavity area, but it was extensive enough to have affect his spine, Cole cursed softly, but before his head could be turned to mush and he would be sent to respawn, loosing all of the levels and advantages he has gained so far, a metallic blur flew over his head, the series of skills used sounding through his head as if he was the one to have used them.

[Boost Chase] [Bionic Charge] [Bionic Tackle]

Neral was like a missile, there was a massive shockwave released from the point of impact as his right foreleg was crumpled into a tin foil, with parts of his body even getting crushed. But as for Boss Dark Heracles, he was blasted backwards like a cannonball into the still advancing form of it\'s own army. It\'s form crushed ever Baneling in it\'s path, all the way up to the massive bruisers as just like with Cole\'s [Gravity] platform, they were all turned to a bloody paste on the ground.

Never the less, Neral\'s sacrifice bought Cole the time he needed for his spine to realign. Standing up hurt like a bitch though, but he was able to do it quickly enough that he grabbed Neral as the Cyber Dog fell from the sky. Despite being completely made of metal and going toe to toe with a Baneling that Cole was almost absolutely sure had [Super Strength] for an ability, the Cyber Dog weighed as much as a feather in Cole\'s hands.

"Sorry Boss….. (cough!) I tried my best…..(Cough) don\'t forg-" Cole dumped the ruined hunk of metal to the ground, ignoring his cry of indignation as he said to him.

"You\'re not dying idiot." Cole said to him as he shifted his attention back to the Baneling Boss. He rolled his shoulders as he stretched his hands out and [Black Sapphire] and [Blue Obsidian] found their way back into his grasp. Funny enough the bullets he held in his teeth were still there, though he might have bit down a little too hard on them which ended up with them feeling a little deformed in his mouth. It didn\'t matter though, they would still see perfect use.

It was as if a silent signal was given as both Cole and Dark Heracles blasted off the ground towards each other. Their momentum at the moment was so powerful that, they blasted everything they came in contact with apart in the bid to get to each other. Cole could not read the expression of the Baneling, but his eyes had a glint on them that reflected absolute fury and conviction, it did not matter how this was going to go down, even if he had to lose a life….. that bloody Baneling was going to die and Cole was going to fucking eat him!

Before they flashed Cole fired off a shot from [Black Sapphire] causing the Boss to stumble as ice appeared allover it\'s knee cap. It had definitely not expected that, and Cole could see that at least half of the bullet had sunk into the Banelings body. Which made him happy at the very least, the damn thing was no superman, become even if it was Superman and had invulnerable skin, there were still groups of people that can make the man of steel bleed. But in this case Cole\'s guns would pierce through light if he damn well wanted them to fucking to...at a higher level perhaps, but they were still plenty strong at this state to cause significant damage to the Baneling Boss.

The stumbled brought it\'s face right down onto Cole\'s rapidly rising knee, smashing right into Dark Heracles small head. His small form was flipped over, but halfway through the flip, [Blue Obsidian] spat out of fiery bullet that took the Baneling Boss right in the eye socket, smashing through the mask it had on, as it was blasted backwards, it\'s body spinning over and over in the air for close 15 meters.

Cole chuckled extremely pleased, he even gave a bow with as much flourish as his tired, bloody and sweaty body would allow. This was payback, and Cole let the Baneling know that.

"Everything you do to me or throw at me, just know that I\'ll be throwing it all back to you at 100 times the intensity. And so unlucky for you is the fact that you\'re so damn resilient, which means I\'m going to keep chipping at you, over and over again until there\'s nothing left….. it\'s a shame that there\'s no HP Bar….. would have made this a true boss raid you know…..so Dark Heracles…..En Garde!"

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