
Chapter 148: Deal? Or, No Deal?

Chapter 148: Deal? Or, No Deal?

“So, if there already exists 1000 System Slayers, no new ones can be birthed.” The Coincidental Luck System said, “Anyway, moving on, you’ll have to hunt Systems for me.”

“But, with your strength, you can easily kill anyone that I am able to kill, right?” Compass Carburettor said in doubt, “And, considering my strength, it’ll take me a long duration to even kill a Hatchling System. Moreover, I have no guarantees of being able to do so.”

“It seems you are as clueless as I thought you were.” The Coincidental Luck System sighed before saying, “For reasons unknown, a Grade 4 System auctioned off a world that it had personally modified.”

“It is an apocalyptic world,” It continued, “And, after 20 years, it would be reset, repeating the same 20 years in a loop.”

“Then…” Compass Carburettor understood the benefits of such a world. A System could enter a Host and gain a tremendous amount of Mental Energy. And, when they start gaining immunity to vanity—leading to a reduction of the obtained Mental Energy for the System—is when the System would return to the System World, wait a couple of years for the world to reset before entering the same Host once again.

As it would already know how everything would play out, it can purchase abilities accordingly to equip the Host in such a way the generated Mental Energy is the maximum. And once it obtained the perfect formula for this, it could simply repeat this without any problems until reaching the limit of its growth.

For a System, such a world was the perfect elixir for growth.

“Yes, I was the one to win this auction as no Grade 2 System and beyond were willing to bid for it. It was too low level for them.” It laughed, “And, for all the monetary-based Grade 1 Systems, this world didn’t allow them to use their abilities properly. So, they too didn’t bid for it, allowing me to obtain this world.”

“But,” It snorted in anger, “My enemies are trying to hinder my growth by sending in countless Hatchling Systems into this world. They have killed my Host all the times recently.”

“Wait, if you have bought this world, is there any law that is preventing others from snatching it from you?” He was confused about this point. After all, the enemies of the Coincidental Luck System should be on par with it in power.

So, if they wished to snatch the world from it, all they had to do was fight it out. But instead, they had sent hatchling Systems to hinder its growth.

“Of course, there are some laws installed in place by the Grade 4 Systems. But, it only exists to prevent the strong from preying upon the weak unfairly.” It sighed, saying, “Since I legally purchased this world, it meant anyone at Level 94 and beyond cannot try to snatch it from me. But, those below this level can try to do so since there isn’t anything stopping them.”

“After all,” It grunted, “If I want, I can easily kill them. So, if they break the law in my field, I have enough power to deal with them. And, there is no law protecting them if they dared to hinder me.”

“But, here comes the problem.” It grumbled, “I always make it a point to ensure my Host doesn’t even know about my existence. I’ll only influence the luck around him to ensure he obtains some useful abilities after putting in the necessary effort. This way, he’ll be of the mind that all his abilities stem from his efforts. This creates the best Host I can ask for, since the generated Mental Energy would be the most beneficial to my growth.”

“But, the Hosts of these Hatchling Systems use their cheats to constantly hinder my Host. If I use too much of my power, it would be apparent that everything is falling into his hands due to luck and not his actual abilities. The host I have picked isn’t the type of guy to like that.” It sighed, “And over time, he gets killed by them. And every single time, I have to waste my Mental Energy to return to the System World.”

“But, can’t you easily kill them?” Compass Carburettor asked.

“Yes, I can kill them. But,” It shook its head, “If I simply leave them as is, they’ll revive within a couple of days. To prevent that, I would have to take them into my body. But, all these hatchling Systems have abilities that aren’t part of my genre. Absorbing them would only serve to weaken me.”

“That’s where you’ll come into play.” It said, gazing at Compass Carburettor, “You’ll hunt and refine them. This way, they’ll die permanently. But, you won’t have to worry. I’ll increase your luck a bit. It’ll be necessary for you now that you have exhausted the inert luck granted to you by the Main Character System.”

“Inert luck?” Compass Carburettor asked in surprise, “I have something like that?”

“Every System Slayer possesses that. That’s how they remain alive in the first world they enter. Though, if they lack enough brain cells, they’ll exhaust all their luck and die soon after.” The Coincidental Luck System laughed.

It then continued, “And, it seemed you had barely used a tenth of it in the world you had entered. But, the remainder was used up in your encounter with the Permanence System. After all, you now possess the Core Skill of a Level 99 System.”

“That makes sense,” Compass Carburettor nodded, saying, “But, I would only be able to kill three Systems. I won’t be able to kill beyond that.”

“You can, actually. That’s why I am establishing trade with you in the first place.” The Coincidental Luck System laughed, “Once you refine a System Fragment, you have two choices in its usage, right?”

Seeing him nod, it continued, “So, all you need to do is apply the System Fragment onto a third party. The targeted person would gain this power, but the respective System wouldn’t ever be reborn. And, once the world resets, this ability would be lost permanently.”

‘And, it’ll reinforce the world, making it stronger. This way, it’ll be useful for me even after I become a Grade 2 System.’ It thought, asking, “So, what do you say? Deal? Or, no deal?”

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