
Chapter 771 Hades Vs Chad I

BAM! Chad tapped the ground with his palm as he flew back, lunging to the sky. The divine magic flew in his body like lightning, "That punch," He glared down.

Hades smiled on the ground, [Pride: Feet] He stepped forward. Thud!

Chad felt Hades\'s presence disappear, appearing right behind him. He swung a back behind his back. Thwack! Hades countered with the same attack, sending Chad flying. [Greed: Copy]

"It\'s useless," Hades smiled, "You can\'t beat me with raw power. You have to use this."

KA-BAM! Chad landed on his feet, glaring up with glowing golden eyes. "Your powers are related to the seven sins, and you can\'t use more than one at the same time."

Hades scratched his chin, "HO? How did you know? I\'m sure I didn\'t say anything. A friend of mine kept bugging me about it."

Chad squatted, charging his thighs with divine magic. "I can get a hit in if I forced you to need more than two at the same time." CRACK-BOOM! Chad lunged at a blinding speed.

Hades smiled, "Sady, your information is old." He extended his arm behind him [Attraction] He snatched a nearby mountain from its roots and lifted it to the sky. [Repulsion] He threw the mountain at Chad, smacking him back to the ground.

"I\'m not done yet!" Hades shouted, pulling his fist back. He started throwing punches faster than the eye can see. Each time he pulled the fist, he tore a mountain-sized chunk of the ground and threw it with the punch.

The ground quaked and the sky turned black from the dust. Hades turned this plane into another wasteland.

CRACKLE! A ball of golden lightning flashed amongst the dust. It leaped from one stone to the other as it evaded Hades\'s mountain storm.

"He evaded them," Hades smiled, rushing forward toward Chad, "Good! Good! You\'re first to survive this,"

Hades swung a punch, and Chad swung as well. The two punches clashed like thunder, blasting all the dust away with a brilliant flash.

BAM! BAM! Chad swung again, and Hades stopped his punch with a punch. The two men\'s fists started clashing.

Amaterasu clenched her teeth. Feeling the divine magic raging from the two almost shattering her fake reality. "Damn it. The barrier won\'t hold much,"

CLASH! Hades flew back, opening his arms, [Wrath: Break] [Envy: Erase]. With a swing of his palm. Wrath shattered the ground, and Envy erased and evaporated everything. Chad got blasted.

"A tough nut! You won\'t get erased." Hades couldn\'t be happier as his attempt failed. How many enemies did he erase with Envy? How many powerful entities did he cut into small pieces with Wrath and erased with Envy?

Chad flew back, feeling his body scream in agony. "That first spell, It cut everything into small pieces," He could feel his limbs wanting to shatter.

\'Chad! Pull the sword!\' Evelyn shouted inside Chad\'s head.

\'No, not yet. At least until he pulls his weapons,\' Chad knew it. Hades has a weapon as well, and he still didn\'t pull it. He hasn\'t even gotten serious yet.

"What are you distracted with?" Hades appeared below Chad, swinging a fist. BAM! His hand pierced Chad\'s guts. [Wrath: Break]

BAM! Chad\'s body exploded into a pool of blood, erasing the mountain range in the back. "Huh?" You didn\'t survive one from the inside?"

SWOSH! Chad\'s blood splashed on the ground, boiling. Hades stood with a sad face, "Wait, you didn\'t die?"

From the blood, Ariel burst out, and from the bones Evelyn flew in rage.

"Huh?" Hades stood there, staring at them. "Who are you?"

Evelyn pulled her sword and swung at Hades\'s neck. Clang! He grabbed her blade with his bare hands, "You have his smell. Angels?" Hades looked at them with a blank face.

"Ariel! Get up!" Evelyn shouted and Ariel conjured her bow. "You will pay for that!" She growled, aiming at Hades.

Evelyn swung her sword left and right. Hades deflected each attack with a blank face. And he jumped back when the arrow approached.

"You are slower and weaker than him," Hades said with a smile, "Fine, let\'s enjoy this fight more." BAM! He jumped to the sky and Evelyn flew after him.

[Divine blade: Holy divider] Evelyn\'s golden sword grew longer. She swung at Hades trying to catch him from afar.

"I can see it coming," Hades smiled, stepping on Evelyn\'s sword and leaping. [Lust: Seduction]

A wave of dark mage fell from Hades\'s eyes, hitting Evelyn who was recovering from her swung recoil. She felt her body getting hotter, but she grunted her teeth. "Are you insane? I already quit that!" She shouted with a crazed face.

eαglesnᴏνel "She erased my [Lust], I see," Hades smiled. "You were a whore in the past. It\'s true that my commandments don\'t work on the people who overcome their sins."

PEW! PEW! PEW! Arrows flew from the ground, reaching Hades as he talked. [Gluttony: Devour]. He opened his mouth and a titanic ethereal jaw appeared and gulped all arrows.

"Come on! You still have a chance of winning." Hades smiled, opening his arms. [Pride: Feet] He stepped fromward.

Ariel who was aiming at him felt a sharp pain in her back. She growled, turning back to find her wings munched off.

Hades stood there with blood dripping from his mouth, "Taste like chicken."

"Ariel!" Evelyn shouted [Teleport] She teleported toward them, standing between Ariel and Hades.

"You!" She growled, "Heal your wings." Ariel clenched her teeth, she was trying but her wings didn\'t want to heal. Something is off about it.

"You will need more magic to heal something I ate. Or destroyed." Hades said with a smile. [Pride: Feet] He took a step.

"I\'m here," Evelyn heard the voice behind her. She swings her blade and hit the air.

[Pride: Feet] She felt him standing on her head, "I\'m here. Are you blind?" Evelyn swung up and Hades disappeared again.

"Pride allows me to move anywhere within my realm with a single step. The limitation of teleport magic doesn\'t apply to it." Hades smiled, squatting in the distance. "I\'m everywhere, and nowhere at the same time." He finished the sentence sitting beside Ariel.

Ariel swung at Hades but he disappeared.

Sitting on a large stone, Hades glared at the two women. "Was he a god? I guess so with all that divine magic. It must be good, isn\'t it?" Hades smiled.

It was then that Evelyn noticed it. Hades had no divine magic to speak of, and not even mana. Those strange abilities were manifesting from him.

"What are you? Ruling the grey wasteland of Hades without divine power." Evelyn shouted.

Hades stared at her, confused. "Rule?" He scratched his chin, "You called it a wasteland, didn\'t you? Why would I like to rule it?"

"Huh?" Evelyn and Ariel looked at him.

"That place was a booming world with life, snow-white clouds, and flying cities of great power. Until I destroyed it all," He said with a sad face, "That\'s why it\'s called the grey wastelands of Hades."

Hades stood, sighing, "There is no getting back that beautiful world. I can only drink the sorrow away."

Evelyn smiled, "Isn\'t it a good thing that you aren\'t a divine being?" She smiled, chains dripping from her wings, "Ariel, we\'re doing that."

Ariel stared at Evelyn and smiled. BAM! Her wings healed. "Let\'s use everything." Divine magic started dripping from her wings as golden veins covered her limbs.

Evelyn\'s eyes flashed golden as Chad\'s divine magic raged inside her.

Hades smiled, "What is that? What is it?" I didn\'t sense such intense divine magic even from him. Were you keeping it hidden?

Ariel stood beside Evelyn and they crossed their swords. [Divine order: Crossed blades]

The swords flashed golden, blinding Hades and forcing him to cover his face with his arms. STAB! At that moment, he felt two stabs, one at the back and one at his chest.

"Do you think that this will be enough to take me down?" Hades smiled, extending his hands to catch the two.

Ding! He found himself floating in a pure white world with no sounds. "Where am I?" He spoke but no voice came out. He can\'t breathe, and his flesh felt as if it was about to be torn apart.

"What did they do?" He growled, closing his eyes and curling into a ball.

Outside, Ariel and Evelyn fell on their knees, bleeding as a small white ball fell on the ground between them. Their wings burned into ask as every last drop of divine magic disappeared from them. Now with Chad nowhere to replenish it, they will soon die of divine starvation.

"Sealed away outside of time itself." Evelyn smiled, "Each second outside is ten thousand years inside."

Ariel smiled, "He should have already died. A non-divine creature would survive that long." As they spoke, over one-thousand years have passed inside the prison.

"Chauntea! Chauntea!" Ariel growled, "Send us some divine magic," She called.

"Cain!" Evelyn called.

They Didn\'t get any answer. Their message didn\'t reach them.

The two looked at each other, "We\'re dying here." Ariel sighed as the two remained motionless for almost half an hour.

CRACK! The white prison cracked.

"The spell is over. Not even his dust would remain." Evelyn said with a smile. This was a natural occurrence. They can\'t keep such magic going forever. But at least now over eighteen million years have passed inside the prison.

The prison shattered. Thud! And Hades fell on the ground, snorting.

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