
Chapter 47 Kinda Ridiculous, Isn't It?

"Yes...kinda ridiculous, isn\'t it?" Max chuckled and asked in a melancholic tone. Two awakened humans, living in an E-Grade city. It does sound ridiculous and a bullshit claim, alas, it was the truth.

"Very ridiculous indeed. But, it\'s what is the truth." Chris shrugged carelessly, acting as if he wasn\'t shocked silly by the sudden revelation.

"I guess so," Max shrugged as well, swirling the glass of Martini in his hands.

"That day, one week ago. This is what you wanted to tell me?"

"Somewhat, yes. Hehe, at least now we can go to the same university easily!" Max giggled and drank the Martini.

"It\'s a good thing, isn\'t it?" Max continued excitedly but, Chris felt that Max was just trying to change the topic. \'Oh Maxxie, arent you one hell of a mysterious sucker.\' Chris chuckled in his mind.

"Yes! It\'s great! I was very worried about how a

dumb idiot like you will get into the university!" Chris smiled and nodded excitedly.

"I know righ... wait what did you call me?"

"Heh, pick the drinks and come."



The rest of the night went uneventful as the ex-classmates behaved themselves afterwards the Cedric incident, avoiding Chris\'s wrath. While the interactions between Max and Chris were as usual as if like nothing had happened at the counter.

"Ohh Chris! Where is Aria??" Max asked suddenly, sitting in the same booth. However the only difference was that peoples had changed, Max had invited a beautiful chick to join while Chris\'s ex-classmates had left.

Leaving only Chris, Cassie, Catherine and Max on the booth... ah, and also the unnamed chick.

"Hehe~ Poor guys honeymoon period is over. They got into a fight!" Cathy chortled, poking fingers at Chris in mockery.

"See! Thats why I dont like sticking with one girl! Ah... no offence..." Max banged the table and exclaimed, alas, he forgot that he was also trying to woo a chick alongside, and there was no way she would like to hear that she was just a timepass for Max.

"Disgusting." she stood up and left after emptying the glass of wine on Max\'s face, making Cathy and Chris laugh until their stomachs hurt.

"What are you laughing at bastard?!" Max glared at Chris, hinting at his recent fight with Aria.

"It wasn\'t my fault, okay? I was going to tell her...someday..." Chris averted his eyes and mumbled.

The cause of fight was couple day ago when Aria had stayed yet again at Chris\'s apartment for another passionate night. And in the morning, on the topic of consoles by mistake, Cassie ended up spitting the secret that the Swarts were going to shift into C-Grade city.

Naturally, Aria was very angry that Chris hadn\'t told this earlier and she stood up to leave and then ghosted Chris\'s messages ever since.

Chris himself was very busy due to the business and the documentation regarding the stall. Thus, the friction got bigger and soon turned into a fight.

"Sounds like your fault indeed," Max nodded after hearing explanation from Cathy.

"Who the fuck asked for your opinion?!" Chris grumbled and drank again, realizing his mistake yet unwilling to accept it.

\'Sigh...guess I will apologize after the fest,\' Chris sighed in his mind, continuing to play drinking games with others.


"Ohhhh damn! Bastard, your stall is really number one in popularity!" a young man whistled in astonishment, holding a magazine with a picture on the first page.

Showing a plain looking stall that none would have believed will achieve the first place in popularity whole city wide.

On the banner in image the name, \'The Lumiere\' was boldly written and in the stall was...customers. One must praise the photographer who clicked the pick where the crowd was a little...tame. Unlike the normal madness that rages in front of this small stall.

With a small picture of the most sold product, Luminescent Cream; kept in a bright and costly looking and beautifully inscribed tin can, the front page spoke many paragraphs about the stall and its magical product.

Describing the effects of it.

Max-- the young man who was cheering-- turned to Chris and grinned, "An autograph please, Mr. Swarts" he mocked with a grin.

"Not you too," Chris rolled his eyes and relaxed further on the beach chair of his apartment.

Finally the fest had ended in major success. On the online page that Cathy had made for company, Chris had already promised the sale of the Luminescent cream later.

Crushing the charm pills in fine powder, and using it as secret ingredient in a normal cheap moisturizing lotion was indeed a blockbuster idea. As with just one pill, Chris was able to manufacture many cans of cream for sale.

[ Host: Christopher Swarts

Bank Details: XXXX XXXX XXXX 6587

Balance: 2,970,069

Earned Money- 74,607


Level-10 ( 74,607/ 1,000,000 EM) 10 EM/Tap ]

Chris smiled after seeing his bank balance. Never before he had expected to possess such great wealth.

Nearly 3 Million? Hah, earlier he used to dream about 3 hundred thousand.

He had learnt well enough to save up his EM now that he had got other options for money earning. Thus even for the costly tin cans, rather than converting EM, he chose to take a loan from Max.

\'3 Million... is that enough for a peaceful and nice life?\' Chris thought while looking at his balance.

If it was earlier, Chris would have definitely agreed to that and have chosen to live a pleasant life in the E-Grade city with no work and worry. Alas, his dreams weren\'t that feeble and small anymore.

Chris didn\'t know, or rather didn\'t notice it before, but he was a greedy person. Very greedy person. With the greed to earn more and become the richest in world, there was no way he will stop.

\'Nice and peaceful life, hell nah.\'

"What are you sitting alone and grinning like a fool?" he suddenly heard a feminine voice, waking him up from his stupor.

"Thinking... when to shift." Chris didn\'t move his head away and spoke softly, looking into distance as many buildings lay below his vision, giving him a plain view of the sunlit sky.

"I wonder too, Cass\'s exams have ended and its best time to move now if she doesn\'t want to fall behind in classes." Cathy sat beside Chris while giving her views.

"Hm," Chris hummed and got off the chair, "I will go visit the mall."

"Max? You coming?" Chris called to the young man who sat in front of the TV, a controller in his hand as he played Mortal Combat on the TV with Cassie.

"Let me defeat this kid first!" Max spoke in focused tone, dramatically pressing the buttons and acting as if he was a fucking pro at games when in reality he sucked.

"Ah yeah...good luck..." Chris sighed and looked at the ongoing match with both characters at nearly same health and were at the last round.

Max\'s character was a monk-like character that possessed powers of lightning, spamming the lightning lance attack again and again.

While Cassie had a shadow-like character who possessed powers of shadow and teleportation, spamming the shadow portal attack again and again.

As apparent, both of them were total noobs, only spamming the easiest and most iconic moves of their characters.

Still...Chris got to admit, this newbie fight was an interesting match of its own as the two chipped away each other\'s HP. In the end, both were at fatal HP with the ultimates unlocked.

"Die!" Max used the ult while cheering victoriously, and indeed, he would have won...if Cassie hadn\'t blocked the ult!!!

"Hehehehehehe." Cassie grinned maniacally as she used her ult, easily eating away Max\'s remaining HP and coming out victorious.

"Oh~ I thought you were going to defeat the kid?" of course, how could Cathy let go of the chance to take a jab at Max? Grinning she rubbed Cassie\'s head and mocked Max.

"Bitch! She just got lucky! One more!" Max hissed venomously and clicked on the rematch.

"You were going to come with me." Chris rubbed his eyelids in vexation as he saw Max ignore his words and start another match with Cassie.

"You want to lose that bad?" Cathy asked with a scoff while seating herself next to Cassie on the sofa.

"No, he wants to come with me to the mall." Chris blinked his eyes and reminded politely again, alas, he was ignored again.

"I will win this time!!" Max shouted, using the lightning lance again while Cassie teleported away with the shadow portal.

"Fuck, you want to win, that\'s it?" Chris sighed and whispered some OP character moves in Max\'s ears.

"Uh uh, no cheating Chrisy~" Cathy grinned while stealing Cassie\'s controller away and teleporting behind Max\'s character and using a grapple attack.

"Meh, if that\'s how you want to play." Chris snatched the controller from Max as well...

"Let\'s go now, Max?" Chris asked after defeating Cathy easily as well.

"Sigh, fine...good luck pacifying that angry tigress," Max sighed, following behind Chris as he finally got enough time to apologize to the angry Aria.

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