
Chapter 175: Fight each other

Chapter 175: Fight each other


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Spring Flower


The long, slender thing flew about two meters away and heavily crashed into a broken wall, then rebounded and fell to the ground. It twisted and struggled for a few moments before becoming completely still.

Wei Fuyuan let out a sigh of relief.

It was only at this moment that he dared to confirm that the thing that had attacked him was indeed a snake.

Or rather, it was an animal that resembled a rattlesnake. It had a long, slender body like a snake, white scales, and on either side of its neck and abdomen, there were thin, red patterns. At the tip of its tail, there was a spindle-shaped lump. The rustling sound that Wei Fuyuan heard earlier was the friction sound caused by the movement of the lump.

But this “rattlesnake” had a wide and flat head, similar to that of a crocodile’s, with a very long snout and outward-turned nostrils. Its eyes were also more like a chameleon’s, with protruding bases, resembling two mini flashlights. At this moment, its eyeballs were hanging down its sides and back, motionless, and it appeared to be dead.

——The look of this weird thing is really terrible!

Wei Fuyuan silently complained in his mind. But regardless of whether this thing was actually a snake or not, Wei Fuyuan could no longer care.

The most urgent task was to find his boyfriend Bei Quan. Wei Fuyuan turned around and walked towards the direction of the only intact tower in the distance.

However, just as Wei Fuyuan turned his head, the snake that was motionless on the ground suddenly trembled slightly. Its stalk-like eyes turned 360 degrees around, and in the next second, it sprang up and shot towards Wei Fuyuan’s unprotected back.

Wei Fuyuan heard the urgent tremor, resembling the sound of a rushing sand hammer, and a sense of impending crisis suddenly struck him.

At a critical moment, he quickly turned around.

The white figure was already close at hand. There was no time to dodge. Wei Fuyuan didn’t want to be bitten by this strange snake and personally verify whether it was poisonous or not.

In a life-or-death situation, Wei Fuyuan could only raise his hand to block. At the same time, a layer of golden light overflowed from his palm, quickly spreading up his wrist, and in an instant, it completely enveloped his forearm.


The crisp sound of a metal on metal collision echoed.

The snake opened its crocodile-like mouth and took a bite at Wei Fuyuan’s arm, but it seemed to have bitten into a piece of iron, not even managing to scratch the surface.

The snake hung on his arm.

Wei Fuyuan made a decisive move, covering his other hand with the power of merit, he then grabbed the snake’s vital point with one hand and held its jaw with the other, pulling forcefully.


With a crisp sound, he clearly felt the sensation of bones separating and dislocating in his hand.

The strange snake instantly went limp, like a lifeless rope, hanging in a soft parabolic shape in Wei Fuyuan’s palm.

He forcefully threw it to the ground.

The snake bounced twice on the ground and finally stopped moving completely.

“These little creatures are too intelligent!” Wei Fuyuan shuddered, “They even know how to play dead!”

If it weren’t for his exceptional skills and the protection of the power of merit, he definitely would have been bitten this time.

——Anyway, he needed to leave this place first.

Wei Fuyuan looked down at his watch.

It had been almost five minutes since the electronic loli voice announced the countdown completion, and he still had ten minutes to run.

——No time to waste.

He pushed himself up with one hand, jumped onto a slightly higher rock, and under the bright moonlight, headed towards the immortal tower.


On the other hand, Jiang Nan’an was currently with two other people, forming a team to resist the monsters.

Yes, Comrade Xiao Jiang’s E-grade luck had once again manifested at a critical moment.

Earlier, he had also suddenly lost consciousness and woken up to find himself in what seemed to be the ruins of Tianyuan City. The biggest difference between Jiang Nan’an and Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan was that he was directly “teleported” into the crowd.

Besides Jiang Nan’an himself, there were two other people lying beside him.

A man and a woman, around the same age as Jiang Nan’an, both appearing to be in their early twenties.

Jiang Nan’an, had previously been staying in Tianyuan City for more than ten nights, so he had some impressions of the fellow cultivators who came to ‘listen to the preaching’.

He remembered it very clearly.

These two people had appeared in Tianyuan City before, but they hadn’t started to come recently—it was likely that after Ran Qu’s hypnosis failed, they lost interest in the “Two Pole Gate” and Tianyuan City, so they stopped entering the dream.

The man and the woman had woken up one after another, and after realizing their situation, they were both shocked and angry, feeling extremely helpless.

Just as the two of them were arguing about what had happened, the voice of Grandmaster Tianyuan had appeared.

Grandmaster Tianyuan told them that if they wanted to survive, they had to go to the Immortal Tower to find him, and the sooner the better because only the first person to arrive would have a chance to secure the only spot for survival.

Just as the three of them were looking at each other in confusion, Grandmaster Tianyuan continued to tell them that a “Battle Royale” was about to begin here.

Monsters would soon appear on the map, and they would have to fight the monsters and gain the power of others through killing each other to strengthen themselves.

Without any preparation, the countdown had already begun.

Jiang Nan’an didn’t even have time to ask for the names of his two “teammates” before they encountered the first wave of monster attacks.

They encountered a total of four monster dogs.

If he were to describe it, Comrade Xiao Jiang felt that those things were a bit like the zombie dogs in “Resident Evil,” but slightly smaller in size.

Estimated to weigh around twenty kilograms, they were about the same size as an adult Samoyed.

Like a Samoyed, they had a coat of snow-white fur. If it weren’t for their Trumpet-shaped five-petal mouths, some people might find them cute.

Yes, the heads of these “dogs” were not normal canine heads. Instead, they split open into five petals, with each fleshy petal containing wriggling deep red mucosa and two rows of sharp teeth.

Jiang Nan’an had no doubt that if he was bitten by them, it would be no different from being scraped by an iron rake, tearing off a layer of flesh.

Just as he said that, the strange dogs spotted their prey at the same time Jiang Nan’an saw the four of them.

They spread their four claws and pounced towards the three of them.

“Be careful!!”

Jiang Nan’an only had time to warn them before one of the strange dogs pounced in front of him.


The strange dog let out a deep growl, and its trumpet-shaped five-petal face suddenly peeled open, covering Jiang Nan’an’s face.

Jiang Nan’an, who grew up in a temple and practiced martial arts since childhood, had instinctive reactions to deal with opponents.

Without having to think, he bent down, lowered his body, sidestepped, and avoided the wide-open mouth, flashing to its side.

Then, he swung his fist and punched the dog in the abdomen.


A solid thud.

The strange dog seemed to have been hit by a huge iron hammer, and its entire chest and abdomen were caved in and deformed by Jiang Nan’an’s strike.

It flew out without even making a sound, crashing heavily into the broken tiles and stones one meter away, landing in a cloud of dust.

However, the other two individuals did not have Jiang Nan’an’s quick reflexes and extraordinary skills in battle.


The woman let out a scream of agony. One of the strange dogs had pounced in front of her and, with a leap, bit into her arm.

The situation for the other man was even more perilous. Both strange dogs had targeted him.

In reality, this person was an inactive and indiscriminate web novel writer. He was slightly short and had a somewhat overweight physique due to a lack of exercise.

It’s unfortunate that while his characters in his writing were quite capable, when faced with a real attack from the strange dogs, he was completely bewildered. He could only stand there dumbfounded, with his mind blank, unable to even move a finger.

The first strange dog charged forward and forcefully collided with the novelist, knocking him down to the ground. Immediately, the second one also lunged at him.


The novelist’s screams were piercing and unbearable.

Just as Jiang Nan’an had just sent one of the strange dogs flying, he turned around and saw the girl with a large dog hanging from her arm, while the guy was already lying on the ground, completely buried by the white fur of the two big dogs.

“Holy crap!”

Comrade Xiao Jiang was going crazy. He didn’t even have a handy weapon in his hand, so he could only rush forward barehanded and tear the two dogs off the man’s body.

As for the woman, Jiang Nan’an was too busy to be distracted, so he could only pray that the girl would stay strong and hold on for a little longer.

“Help! Help!”

The woman’s arm was almost numb with pain. In panic, she instinctively sought help, struggled, and desperately protected her vital points with her hands and feet. Filled with a strong will to survive, the only thought in the woman’s mind was “I want to escape from here.”

The next moment, she suddenly felt a darkness before her eyes, and then a sudden brightness.

When she came to her senses, she was shocked to find that she had actually escaped from the jaws of that strange dog: no, it should be said that she had disappeared from where she was just now, and then reappeared in an open space about two meters away.

Although she was now only two meters away from the strange dog, the distance wasn’t to be underestimated. These two meters could mean the difference between life and death for her.

In this critical moment, the woman, disregarding the excruciating pain in her shoulder, got up crawling and shouting for help, and headed towards Jiang Nan’an, the only one who could protect her at this time.

And at this moment, Jiang Nan’an finally killed the two strange dogs that had pounced on the man.

“Get out of the way!”

He shouted to the woman, grabbing a broken stone stake from the ground and raising it high above his head.

The woman saw his actions and quickly dodged to the side.

Jiang Nan’an seized the opportunity and smashed the stone stake towards the strange dog chasing after the woman.

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