
Chapter 212 Quick Snack

You obtained 20.000 experience points.

You learned the skill Mana Vessel. 

The skill Mana Vessel obtained 10.000 experience points.

Mana Vessel: a skill that makes you able to store more mana. It increases your mana pool by one percent per level. At the same time, you can emit your mana to objects and control them as if they had become part of your body.

Ethan felt disgusted by the skill, while it had some uses that would help him. Those people used them to become part of machines… to become objects themselves.

Still, Ethan didn\'t have time to think too much about that since more and more machines were emerging from the city and flying toward him. The new ones seemed a bit different since they had cannons.

As Ethan stood amidst the debris of the destroyed machines, a new threat emerged from the horizon. The sky became dotted with peculiar flying machines, their purple hue contrasting against the desolate landscape. These aircraft had a distinct design, with round bodies and elongated cannons protruding from their frames. They moved slowly, but their purpose was far from benign.

As the machines closed in on Ethan, an unsettling presence emanated from them. A noxious haze enveloped the air, releasing a toxic mist that assailed the senses. It was a poison not to the body but to one\'s very perception, distorting and clouding the mind. Ethan could feel his focus waver, his senses dulled by the insidious influence of the mist.

Though the poison threatened to undermine his clarity, Ethan was not one to succumb easily. Drawing upon his inner strength, he summoned his willpower. He focused his mind, shielding himself from the debilitating effects as best he could. He knew that succumbing to the poison would leave him vulnerable and at the mercy of his adversaries.

"It has been a while since some groups of enemies had annoyed me this much," Ethan thought.

As Ethan engaged in the intense aerial combat, it became apparent that his adversaries had a different agenda. Despite their relentless attacks, these enemies did not seem intent on ending his life. Instead, their maneuvers and tactics revealed a concerted effort to capture him, to seize him as if he were a valuable life form of great significance.

Their assumption that Ethan possessed similarities to the enigmatic time beast became clear. In their eyes, he represented an opportunity, a potential asset that could be harnessed for their own mysterious purposes. Their desire to capture him stemmed from a belief that he held some intrinsic power or ability that could be exploited to serve their objectives.

"All right… it is time to get serious," Ethan thought and then let Berserker take over him.

As the battle raged on, Ethan\'s vision started to warp and darken, tainted by a crimson hue. The anger and frustration he harbored within him ignited like a blazing inferno, fueling his very being. The intense emotions coursed through his veins, becoming a source of power, both exhilarating and perilous.I think you should take a look at

With each passing moment, his abilities surged with an unparalleled force. The red aura that enveloped him intensified, pulsating with raw energy. It was as if he had tapped into an untamed wellspring of power, channeling the very essence of his rage to transcend his limits.

Ethan\'s movements became swifter in this heightened state, his strikes more precise and devastating. The world around him seemed to slow, and his perception sharpened to an extraordinary degree. His adversaries, once formidable, now stood little chance against his unleashed fury.

As Ethan leaped from one machine to another with unmatched agility, his burning aura intensified, casting an ominous glow in the darkened sky. With each powerful strike, the once formidable flying machines began to crumble beneath his relentless onslaught.

His fists, enveloped in crimson energy, crashed into the metallic hulls, denting and tearing through them as if they were made of mere paper. The sound of bending metal and shattering glass reverberated through the air, a symphony of destruction.

The pilots within the machines screamed in terror as Ethan\'s furious assault ripped through their defenses. The impact of his blows caused the machines to buckle and deform, their once pristine surfaces marred with deep gouges and twisted remnants.

Metal shards and sparks exploded in all directions as Ethan\'s strikes punctured through vital components, severing connections and disrupting the inner workings of the flying machines. The once unified mechanisms began to falter, sputtering and failing under the relentless assault.

With each machine that fell apart, the pilots met their fate, their screams drowned out by the cacophony of destruction. The disintegration of the flying machines mirrored the disintegration of their hopes and ambitions, shattered into irreparable fragments.

As Ethan approached the populated part of the city, the atmosphere became thick with fear and unease. The people on the streets, once going about their daily lives, now stood frozen in terror as they caught sight of him. Whispers of his presence rippled through the crowd, spreading panic like wildfire.

Ethan moved with purpose through the chaotic scene, his expression a mix of determination and concern. He knew that the time had come to confront the source of this oppression, to uncover the truth behind their intentions. The buildings, sensing his approach, began to seal themselves off with metallic barriers as if bracing for an imminent threat.

Undeterred by the barriers, Ethan pressed forward, his footsteps echoing through the abandoned streets. The eerie silence only served to heighten the tension in the air. The cityscape, once a vibrant hub of activity, now felt desolate and suffocating. Until more of the machines began to emerge and chase him.

"Give it a rest… you can\'t be compared to a quick snack," Ethan muttered while clenching his teeth.

As Ethan continued his relentless assault on the barriers, his efforts were met with a sudden rumble beneath the ground. The earth quaked and split open, revealing massive metal structures rising from the depths. Towering high above him, the colossal robots emerged, their dark blue metallic exteriors gleaming ominously in the dim light.

These formidable machines stood as towering behemoths, their presence alone exuding power and destruction. Their sleek and imposing forms hinted at their capabilities, designed with a purpose that went beyond mere combat. These were weapons meant to end wars to impose dominance over any opposition.

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