
Chapter 210 Lack Of Life

However, capturing the SilverTimebird proved to be a daunting task. Its otherworldly nature and its command over time made it an elusive and formidable adversary. Previous attempts to seize it had been met with failure, as the creature possessed a keen sense of awareness and an uncanny ability to evade capture.

The people\'s desperation grew as they realized that time was running out. They yearned for the power to alter their destiny and rewrite the course of history. They saw the Timebird as their last hope, a beacon of possibility in the face of imminent destruction.

"I bet that this story would make a great movie," Ethan said. "Anyway, teleport me to the area where the creature is. By the way, are Earth and that world connected in any way?"

"No, the threat that such a world faces isn\'t something that can be stopped by a hero," Ivan replied. "Their doom is approaching thanks to their collective greed. We only have a few months left considering the time of that world."

That made things even easier for Ethan, he didn\'t have to hold back, and it has been a while since he had to let it loose for real. The situation also made him less prone to worry about the enemies of the target since they created their mess where they were. Still, they wanted an easy way out of their predicament.

Once, the world was a realm of enchantment and wonder, where magic flowed through the very fabric of existence. It was a realm teeming with mythical creatures, fantastical beings, and diverse magical species living in harmony with the natural forces that surrounded them.

However, this idyllic era came to an abrupt end when a group of power-hungry individuals emerged, seeking dominion over this magical world. They embarked on a ruthless campaign to hunt down and subjugate the magical beings, driven by a desire to harness their powers for their own selfish gain.

The once-thriving magical species, once revered and respected, became victims of oppression and exploitation. Their lands were seized, their powers suppressed, and their existence threatened. The dominant group sought to eradicate magic, deeming it a threat to their own technological advancements and control.

As the forces of oppression grew stronger, the magic that once flowed freely began to dwindle. The once vibrant and mystical energy that permeated every corner of the world became scarce and elusive. The magic creatures and beings that once roamed the lands were driven to the brink of extinction, their essence fading with each passing day.

Now dependent on their technological advancements, the people found themselves trapped in a paradox. While their inventions and scientific progress had brought them convenience and comfort, they were ill-equipped to face the impending doom that loomed over them. Their technological prowess could not replicate or replace the innate magic that once imbued the world.

"You seriously think that the monster realized our intentions, and that was why we were unable to catch it?" Ivan asked while he guided Ethan to where the magic circle was.  I think you should take a look at

"Absolutely, no one will be able to capture the monster under normal conditions," Ethan replied. "That creature is the only remnant of the magic part of that world. The creature can use magic freely and depending on how long it has been alive. It can recover more mana than it uses more magic to control time."

"How is that even possible?" Ivan asked. "To accomplish a certain feat, a determined and corresponding amount of energy should be used. Otherwise, the laws of conservation of energy and mass will be ignored."

"That would be the case under normal circumstances, but there are other ways to use magic without using its own magic; I bet that the target is doing that," Ethan explained. "It is using the life force of those who attack itself and then converting that into free energy to use time magic."

Ivan had a hard time understanding that. Still, if no one could do anything against the creature for who knows how long, it would make sense, and that would explain why the creature was never captured… it was stealing the time of those that targeted it.

In any case, without wasting time, Ethan found and jumped into the magic circle. Ivan quickly activated it, and then Ethan disappeared. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it had been planned, but Ethan soon arrived in the next world since it was pretty close.

As Ethan descended from the gray sky, he found himself landing on a desolate and barren world. The sky above was devoid of color, shrouded in a melancholic grayness that seemed to sap the vibrancy from the surroundings. The air felt heavy and still, lacking the gentle caress of wind that he had become accustomed to.

The land stretched out before him, a vast expanse of aridity and lifelessness. The once fertile soil had turned to dust, and the Earth cracked and parched, devoid of any signs of moisture or sustenance. It seemed as if life had abandoned this place long ago, leaving behind only a haunting silence and a sense of desolation.

Ethan\'s keen senses, honed by his experiences in different worlds, failed to detect even the faintest hint of life in any direction. There were no rustling leaves, no chirping birds, no scurrying creatures. The stillness was eerie as if the very essence of life had been drained from this forsaken realm.

As he surveyed the landscape, his gaze met with a barren horizon that seemed to stretch on indefinitely. There were no towering mountains, no sprawling forests, nor any bodies of water to break the monotony of the desolate terrain. It was a stark reminder of the fragile balance that existed in the realms, where the absence of vital elements could result in an inhospitable wasteland.

"According to Ivan, the target never leaves its spot, and it is the only part of the world where natural life still grows," Ethan thought while looking to the north and not seeing anything in that direction.

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