
Chapter 128 Take-Over


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.Trivia of the day #70: Lilith ranks #8th in the top #10 strongest Characters who utilize magic


The newly made bodies that were created for the five bogatyrs and Asmodeus to possess were perfectly reconstructed by Lilith as she presented all of them before him.

Currently speaking each of the bodies where lying down flat on the cobblestone floor, which had six pentagram circles drawn from the blood from Ryu\'s body, and at the center of each magic circle were the newly made bodies that were chosen to be vessels.

A total of five circles spiraling around a single red circle at the center that had the remodeled body of Victor and Ryu Asmodeus beside each other could be seen, at this point, a large amount of mana could be seen fluctuating and radiating from Lilith\'s body, so much so, even someone who couldn\'t perceive mana would have been able to feel and see an immense spiral of colors leaking from Lilith body.

Of course, Asmodeus look directly at Lilith and was mesmerized by just how much mana Lilith had in her reserve, it was as if Asmodeus was looking at a depthless sea of nothing but refined mana.

Especially seeing how Asmodeus, was looking at her total MP, which was an insane 10,000,000,000 in numeric value, this puzzled Asmodeus greatly, Lilith total Mana reserve was insane, extremely insane, so insane to the point that it didn\'t make sense, second to her would be Lilu who was reaching the realm far greater than even Necroma who reserve didn\'t reach such level.

Lilith saw Asmodeus glare, as she smiles, after all, being watched by the man she loves, was a great feeling, then and again, she is aware of why he was glaring at her, so to garner his attention Lilith look at Asmodeus and said.

"Your curious as to why my mana reserve is this large right?"

Asmodeus turns his head as he faced to roof once more and said out loud indulging in the conversation with Lilith.

"Yes I\'m very curious as to why your mana pool is that fricking big, do you care to explain."

"Well husband of mine, please keep in mind, that your mana pool is a conceptual space that is deeply tied to one soul, the older one gets, the more it expands, in my case, this is only natural given how old I am."

"Well, that does make sense, although I am curious, what exactly is your attribute Lilith?"

"Well my main magic is closer to ESP, in short, I possess magic that affects the mind, although I didn\'t bother unlocking my Secondary our Primary."

"Why so?"

"To be honest, most magic users dedicated their life to one art, instead of three, then and again your main magic attribute is the magic you have the most talent in, as a result, the majority focus on that specific talent alone instead of being a jack of all trades, rarely you get magic geniuses like Necroma."

"I see, well either way thanks for answering my question Lilith, now then I presume you made a barrier around the ritual circle so my Demonic Energy doesn\'t escape, along with others as well?"

Yes, this entire time Lilith was slowly making a magic barrier by sacrificing her mana, so Asmodeus along with the other five bogatyrs\' Demonic Energy didn\'t leak out while transferring their essences to another vessel, it took a while but Lilith pull it off without a hassle.

And not only that Either she also put up a highly complex barrier around the mansion as well, so they can do whatever they want in the mansion without anyone peeping at them.

Now all that was left was the transfer process, similar to how Asmodeus took over Ryu\'s body using the ritual, Lilith placed her hand in a praying-like manner, as a huge amount of her mana was been absorb by the Magic Circle.

She then gave Asmodeus one last look, as she said.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah let\'s get this finish quickly."

He responded as he close his eyes, to which Lilith replied as such.


And with those words said Lilith activate the ritual, and upon doing that a bright red light shine in the room, blinding anyone that look at it.

A moment later, the first to emerge was a certain bob-cut maid, that had a rather miserable expression, as she look at herself.

"I presume this is the body chosen to be my vessel?"

She said out loud, however, her focus was soon shifted to a certain drill hair girl, with an ashen grey complexion as she said to her.

"And who might you be?"

However, her question wasn\'t answered because the next person to get up, was a beautiful Ashen grey hair girl, with a slender but thick muscular build she was probably 4" 2 in height, her skin was clear and she was the spitting image of Ryu Lioness.

This woman was of course the eldest daughter of Ryu and Elisha, her name was Marian Lioness, and she wore a skin-tight dress, and each of her limbs seems to have weights, all weighing over 20 kilos, she seems to be type of woman that is good at CQC.

Evidence of this was the fact that her body had scars all over although it does have its charms as well, a short but deadly beauty indeed.

However, despite being the physically strongest of the four siblings, the person that possesses her was a certain redhead Yandere, as she began looking around, the first she said was.

"Aww... Why do I feel like I am in a child body?"

"Why do I feel like I am a grown man?"

Asked the voice of an adult man who seems to be in his twenties, he had black hair and was even taller than Ryu, he wore the same thing as Ryu only because he was dressed in a full blue suit with grey shoes and a red gentleman tie that matches his eyes.

​ His hair was a little messy, but that of course because it was curly as well, the man looked at everyone here but his eyes stop a fashionable top hat, and the first thing that he notice was those rather intimidating eyes.

However, he was aware that his father place his soul into an appropriate vessel, one fitting enough to house his power, of course, this person was none other than Lilu, who now possess the body of the eldest son of the Ryu family, and next hair of this esteemed family.

However, to the right of him, the sound of a cute but haughty voice went off revealing a busty teenage girl that was 5" 9 in height, and wore something similar to Lilith, the only difference was the color of the dress was red and gold, as she wore a large round hat, and around her waist was black sheep plushy with two mini broad swords in its adorable hands.

Her eyes were red like Lilu, and her skin was pale, she had sharp artificial claws, and was adorned with various pieces of jewelry, he had a red fan, and her fan always cover her face as if the body itself was used to doing such actions.

She had a rather mean and curious glare but her signature laugh gave her identity away.

"KHAHAHAHA... Well well, to think I would possess the body of a young maiden."

This was the youngest daughter of Ryu Liones, Natasha Lioness, Aka the Star princess, her beauty, talent, and power were recognized greatly in the academy, and out of all other siblings her mana was the highest, as her attribute was Sun Magic.

Kind of ironic seeing that the person who possesses this vessel was no other than a progenitor vampire, the one and only Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon.

And finally was Gorgo who possesses someone not known but a new body created from combining all the servants, it tall woman with blond hair, and was dressed in a black tuxedo, her body was that of the "Answer Race"

She looks around to see everyone talking amongst themselves but remains quiet just to watch.

"I see you have adjusted properly to that body ha Rize?"

Gorgo questions Rize, as she already notices the ironic twist of that body she possesses.

"Of course, although you don\'t seem human?"

But to everyone\'s surprise, Lilith the person who did the ritual speak up as she said.

"Well that\'s because I create Gorgo\'s body using my own body as a base, it should be considerably stronger than her original, but either way with this we are another step closer to our king\'s goal."

At these words, everyone\'s focus was on Lilith, and to be honest, her beauty even made some of the girls present here a little envious, although one first didn\'t sit well with this mysterious individual.

And that was Nero because she began to sniff the air around her, and she said to herself.

\'This woman reaks of darling, even more than me and everyone here, it\'s so potent I almost mistake her as darling, it wasn\'t for the fact that I don\'t feel a connection to her, what\'s their relationship I wonder, no... She also smells Lilu as well, how suspicious.\'

And the first person to ask the question everybody wants to know was Necroma who had an unsatisfied expression as she asks Lilith.

"And who might you be?"

"Yeah, I\'ve never seen or heard about you before."

Followed Rize a little interested in the new individual.

"And why does darling scent hangs so thickly upon you?"

Nero shouts out for everyone to hear, at these words, Lilu froze in fear a little, meanwhile Gorgo wave at the familiar person who she met four different times already, although he felt sorry for the maid and the human seeing, that this person was even more dangerous than the vampire.

The woman\'s smile seems to drop, as her eyes look at everyone in the group, who jump back in fear, of course, everyone except Nero seeing her skill prevents her from feeling fear.

However, Lilith just gave a smug smile as she said.

"Oh, you don\'t know me, well I can\'t blame you, my existence has been kept a secrete all this while, however in terms of this polygamous hierarchy, I stand above all thots... "Cough!" "Cough" I mean concubines of Asmodeus, allow me to introduce myself."

Lilith bowed in an elegant but ignorant fashion to make a statement even clear, as she look up at Nero and Necroma with a venomous and predatory glare that can make even the strongest and bravest of warriors shit their pants in fear, as maintained her terrifying smile and introduce herself while asking.

"My name is Lilith mother fucking Morningstar, the main wife of Asmodeus Morningstar, and the mother of that lovely demon over there, now tell me #2 and M.S slave is there a problem we must address?"

To Be Continued

Next Time: Yandere Blood Contract

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