
Chapter 798: angry leader

"You wait for two groups of sergeants. The former group of sergeants rested for a long time and recovered a lot. The latter group of sergeants quickly recovered themselves. You wait for two groups of sergeants, and they will be teleported one after the other!"

"Those who hide in the warship and avoid the war will fall into annihilation." The grand voice resounded in the minds of Wang Yi and his ten sergeants.

Immediately after, the five sergeants who were previously on the second floor were instantly teleported to a distant part of a dark red hot land with the sudden time and space shock. At a glance, the five sergeants were scattered, each Famous sergeants are caught in a small world of about hundreds of millions of kilometers.

However, Wang Yi and the other five sergeants who came up later were watching safely, like Wang Yi who didn\'t lose much divine body at all and was very leisurely, while the other sergeants who had lost too much divine body began to hurry up to restore their divine body, while looking at the A small world with five sergeants.

Then, they saw a huge ancient secret pattern with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers appearing above the small world with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers. The ancient secret pattern suddenly burst into rays of light downward! And the sergeants in those small worlds are shrouded in these lights.

Countless rays of light, each of which can be compared to a blow from a true god!

At the beginning, the threat level was comparable to that of an ordinary True God. As long as you pay attention to dodge and use the mechanical flow treasure, the five sergeants can resist.

However, how could Wu Qilou\'s test be so easy?

Soon, the earth of the five small worlds gathered into a majestic crimson giant with the fiery red liquid gushing out from the cracks with violent tremors!

Five dark red rock giants! At the same time, they rushed to the five sergeants, and began to launch a ferocious offensive in line with the overwhelming and omnipresent light in the sky!

The dark red rock giants have the power of true gods! Can be called immortal! Five sergeants caught in a bad situation! Extremely embarrassed! Divine power is being consumed like crazy!

The other sergeants watching next to him had a solemn expression, showing a frightened expression.

Five areas, five small worlds, colorful and bright rays of light fell from the sky, and the underground was hot, and there were continuous roars that shook the world.

As time passed, the five sergeants had not yet decided the result in the past half an hour, and Wang Yi and the other five resting sergeants were also pulled into their respective small worlds.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Wang Yi looked up at the sky, and a huge ancient secret pattern appeared in the dark clouds above.

Finally it was their turn.


Time passed, and every second was so long for these sergeants who were struggling to survive.

A sergeant couldn\'t dodge as long as he was caught by a big rocky hand that suddenly protruded from a crack in the ground, and immediately dissipated, turning into nothingness, leaving only some armored treasures.

There is also a sergeant who was completely annihilated by the divine body under the blast of light from the sky.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Finally, the small worlds of the surviving three sergeants of the first five sergeants dissipated in an instant, and the rock giant also turned into a crimson liquid, which flowed into the cracks of the earth, and everything dissipated.

The three surviving sergeants almost didn\'t cry with joy. The silver-haired girl who also came out of the Eternal Legion was also greatly damaged at the moment, and her strength was far less than before.

She breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the battlefield of the sergeants in the distance, and her expression changed slightly.

"That Jiujiang, has it been so easy until now?"

The silver-haired girl Nolan was a little unbelievable. "He said he was a recruit, and his strength was so much stronger than me." Her situation was better than the other two, but it was limited. Compared with Wang Yi, it is even worse.

Wang Yi is indeed very relaxed now. While avoiding the light of the secret pattern in the sky, he can even suppress the dark red rock giant, giving people the feeling of being at ease. Even divine power does not seem to consume much.

The other surviving sergeants looked there in shock.

"So strong!"

"It\'s a world apart from us!"


Compared to their performance on the second floor, this recruit Jiujiang is simply outrageous!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Three beams of light suddenly descended, covering the three surviving sergeants. In an instant, the three sergeants disappeared.

Wang Yi, who was fighting with the dark-red rock giant, glanced here and continued to fight the dark-red rock giant.

"My current movement technique is not as exaggerated as Luo Feng\'s performance in the original book, but it\'s not bad, plus the sword technique, it\'s more than enough to ravage this dark red rock giant!"

He wasn\'t worried about himself at all.


Wuqi Building is the tallest building in the Valley of the Gods.

Not far from Wuqi Building, there is a three-story silver-gray ancient palace. Outside this palace, there is a group of true **** guards. This is also the highest power center of the entire "guardian" of the Valley of Gods.

The third floor of the silver-gray palace. In the incomparably vast hall, there are huge thrones on all sides. On the throne on the far left is a huge black fog. The black fog oscillates. The entire black fog covers most of the huge throne. Seeing the outriggers of the throne, the black mist is constantly exuding an evil aura.

The other three thrones are empty. Not a single figure.

A light curtain appeared in the mid-air of the hall, and the scene on the second floor of Wuqi Building was emerging on the light curtain.

On the suspended light curtain, there are ten battle scenes in the small world, and the scenes of the ten sergeants are all clear. There is a small world scene that occupies 90% of the entire screen. In that small world scene... it was Wang Yi who was fighting the dark red rock giant!

The existence in the black fog, the attention is all on the figure of the red armor.

"This sergeant is very powerful. His movement skills and blade skills are very high-level, and they work together very harmoniously and perfectly. Compared with him, other sergeants are simply trash..." A surprised old voice came from the black mist. "Among elite sergeants, there is still such an existence!"

It is one of the four commanders of the Valley of the Gods. Although it is only the true **** of the void, he was personally sealed by His Majesty the King of God as a titled powerhouse. Even if it is the same as the \'Master of the North True Sea\', it is the true **** of the void, but it can easily annihilate the master of the North True Sea!

The world of Jin is the world of \'His Majesty the God King\', and the Valley of the God King is the place where His Majesty the God King lives. In fact, there is no danger at all, and there is no need to arrange any guards. But it was arranged here... it was His Majesty\'s trust in it. In this \'guarding\' task is empty, the real task is to find a peerless person who can break into the ninth floor of Wuqi Building.

The black mist commander stared at the scene on the light curtain, and his heart was surprised, followed by puzzlement and endless anger.

"Such a sergeant, why haven\'t the four generals told me? Such a sergeant is definitely the most important seed, the most important seed that His Majesty the King of God needs. There is no such sergeant on the list given to me!"

There were bursts of angry voices from the Black Mist Commander. His purpose in the endless years of the God King Valley was to find the peerless character that His Majesty the God King needed.

For endless years, he has been waiting, and in order to complete the only task that His Majesty the King of God explained, he is even willing to fall! But the four generals were so slack! Obviously there is such an excellent sergeant, he has not received any news before!

"Sergeant Jiujiang?"

"Eternal Legion Reserve Sergeant?"

Commander Black Mist immediately began to search for information, only to find out that this sergeant had just joined the army for an era.

The four generals were forgiven for not knowing.

"Come here to carry out the title task in one epoch? What a confident little guy! No, I have to be careful, but don\'t let this little guy fall for no reason." Commander Black Mist was a little surprised and happy, and at the same time began to get nervous, and said It\'s so good after not being sharpened in the army for a long time. If you continue to sharpen it, it will be worth it!

Thousands of other sergeants died and the Black Mist Commander didn\'t care.

Wang Yi, Commander Black Mist is really distressed.

"Let me see." Commander Black Mist, who was calmer, continued to look at the huge light curtain.

"I just don\'t know if he has this hope to climb to the top of Wuqilou!" The black mist commander\'s eyes were full of anticipation.


On the second floor of Wuqi Building, the vast expanse of dark red land finally regained its calm.


"it\'s finally over."

"Survived, haha, survived."

In Wang Yi\'s group, four sergeants actually survived. Except for Wang Yi, the other three sergeants who survived the catastrophe were dying, but their faces were full of ecstasy.

But when they saw Wang Yi, they kept running away.

The strength of this sergeant, they have also seen clearly before, it is terrible.

They subconsciously want to stay away.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Four beams of light descended, enveloped Wang Yi and the four of them, and instantly disappeared.

In this batch of sergeants, four of them survived.


The third floor of Wuqi Building is a vast grassland. With Wang Yi and the others, four figures appeared.

"The fifth batch has arrived."

"Hey, the fifth batch actually survived one more than the fourth batch."

A voice came.

As soon as Wang Yi appeared, he glanced at the surrounding distance, and saw scattered figures in the distance, including sergeant figures and alien beast figures, but the number was quite large, including the three of the previous fourth batch of sergeants. Inside. Looking at the vast grassland, including himself, there are as many as 16 sergeants.

"16 sergeants?" Wang Yi glanced at it and didn\'t care. "The fourth batch and our fifth batch survived seven. It seems that the other 9 sergeants belonged to the first three batches." According to the average of Wuqilou With a 90% mortality rate, most of these sergeants are expected to die.

"Jiujiang." The other sergeants in the fourth and fifth batches hid far away when they saw Wang Yi\'s appearance. Only the silver-haired girl came over to say hello.

"This Jiujiang is so strong. He and I came from the same legion. We have a good relationship. In the next test, we may be more confident to pass the test." The silver-haired girl thought to herself.

When the sergeants in front saw the performance of the fourth and fifth batch of sergeants towards Wang Yi, they immediately understood that he was a powerful guy, but they didn\'t know how powerful he was. Sergeant remember.


"Eternal Legion?"

They all remembered.


Time passed, day by day. On the tenth day, another group of sergeants arrived, and the sixth group consisted of three surviving sergeants.

Luo Feng was also inside.

"Haha, Jiujiang." As soon as Luo Feng appeared, he saw Wang Yi and laughed.

"Another **** armor." The sergeants in the distance were all stunned.

The silver-haired girl Nolan also watched Luo Feng and Wang Yi walk together in surprise.

"Did they come together?"

Luo Feng glanced around, "There are so many sergeants here."

"Continue to wait, I guess there is still more to wait." Wang Yi said.

Luo Feng nodded and glanced at the silver-haired girl beside him. "Who is this?"

"Hello, I\'m Nolan from the Eternal Legion." The silver-haired girl smiled.

"Eternal Legion reserve sergeant, recruit Luo Feng." Luo Feng responded.

Nolan felt Luo Feng\'s abundant divine aura, but he was extremely surprised.

"In the previous level, he didn\'t seem to have lost his divine body? Is his strength the same as Jiujiang?" Nolan could not accept it. "Where did these two monsters come from, are the current recruits so perverted?"

If Nolan was just surprised, the black mist commander who had been paying attention to Wu Qilou\'s test situation was crazy.


"Another peerless character!"

Commander Black Mist felt like he was being smashed by the pie in the sky one after another, and his mind was dizzy.

Luo Feng\'s movement on the second floor really shocked him.

At least among the four law master sergeants who came to Wuqilou since they led the Patronus King, Luo Feng was the strongest one they had ever seen.

"Jiujiang, Galaxy?"

"They all just joined the army!"

"Besides the army, when are there so many geniuses? What do the sergeants in the army eat! Are the commanders all trash?" Commander Black Mist was both happy and unable to contain his anger!

I am happy that I have found the most important seeds that the two **** kings need.

Outraged at the malfeasance of the military!

Originally, the existence of the army was to cultivate strong men for His Majesty the King of God, but the important people he discovered were not cultivated in the army!

So what\'s the use of having an army?


"A bunch of trash!"

"If His Majesty the King of God is still there~www.mtlnovel.com~ I will send them all to the battlefield and enter the death camp! Forget them all to die!!!"

The black mist surged and made a sound of anger!

I don\'t know, that\'s all, the thought of such a peerless character being free from the army and falling away accidentally, Commander Black Mist couldn\'t help trembling in his heart.

Fortunately, His Majesty the King God bless, let these two sergeants appear in front of him.

"You three guys, don\'t fall asleep, hurry up, all wake up!!!"

The sound boomed, running through the entire silver palace, directly into the depths of the silver-gray palace. There, the other three commanders were sleeping. The commander of the Valley of the Gods has nothing else at all, so the four of them... all arrange a commander to preside over the overall situation of the Valley of the Gods, and also the overall situation of the entire ‘King of the Gods’. The other three commanders will be summoned only when something special happens.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Under the call of the black mist commander, three powerful breaths rose from the depths of the ground.

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