
Chapter 152 Offering Yourself To Be Ripped Off

After being embarrassed initially, Minister Chu seemed to suddenly be in the mood to come up with an improv poem that made him sound like he was a real scholar. When he noticed that the Saber King was starting to glare at him, Minister Chu stopped for a moment, let out two dry coughs and asked, "The meaning of this poem is: If a senior comes to visit, then would he not be sure to drink a cup of tea?"

"I... I understand!" This Saber King was starting to become mad with immense anger. Do you think that I am illiterate?

This guy is brazenly shameless. Earlier he was fanning and complaining that it was hot, yet now he wants it to snow...

Can such a thing be considered as poetry? It can’t even be compared to a dog’s fart...

Ever since he came in here, the Saber King’s state of mind had shifted from great surprise to great disdain. He was now about to go insane... The Saber King lifted up the cup of tea and took a big gulp without paying any attention to its quality. At this current moment, his head was spinning because of Chu Yang’s perplexing words that he was had forgotten his purpose in coming here...

"You see, senior, this tea is a truly good tea... This tea was picked from the peak of Black Mountain. After being picked, 28 young ladies held it in their mouths before drying the leaves on their bare breasts. From the start to the end, this tea never touched any speck of dust! This is precisely why it’s called ’Black Mountain Lady Tea!’" Our scholarly Minister Chu looked pleased and said in excitement, "The best part is that this tea does not belong to me!"

"Not yours?" For a moment, the Saber King remembered his purpose of coming here. In the next instant, he had forgotten it yet again.

"It’s true!" Chu Yang smiled with immense satisfaction. He moved a little closer and said softly, "I smelled the aroma of this tea the last time I went to the prince’s study. As I was leaving, I saw a box of tea on the shelf. Immediately, I... Ha... Ha..." Minister Chu’s eyes shifted back and forth, making a signal for the other person to keep his secret. With a wink, he continued, "I just conveniently took it..."

"Ah... Uh..." The Hei Mo Saber King was dumbfounded and tongue-tied. Three black lines appeared on his forehead as he frowned in confusion.

"That’s why this tea is very hard to come by! I’ve brought it out just for you; I would never serve this tea to any ordinary person!" Minister Chu said with great affection, "Senior, after drinking this tea, do you sense the aromas of the mountains and rivers, of the earthly scenery, of the misty clouds, and of the heavenly fragrance...? Of course, haha... there is also the natural sensation of a woman coupled with a little... haha... flavor of milk."

"Ah... I’m so thankful for your generosity!" Looking at a guy wearing a horrifying mask and laughing in such a perverted way, this Saber King could not help but get goosebumps all over his body. He found himself stammering and felt as if he had pins and needles.

Even when I’m facing the clan leader, I never feel this anxious! This punk in front of me is definitely a sexual deviant, the kind that will not spare the young or the old, the males or the females!

Suddenly, this Saber King realized that talking to Minister Chu was akin to being tortured!

He asked himself if he had come to the wrong place today.

"Senior, please have some more tea!" Minister Chu continued persuading him. The Saber King could not reject his kind offer and drank another cup.

"Please... Luck runs in threes. You have to drink another cup!" The Saber King’s eyes popped out as he gulped down the third cup of tea.

"Four cups will give you good fortune..." The Saber King’s face was becoming dark. Nonetheless, he drank yet another cup.

"Five, five, twenty-five, please..." The veins of the Saber King began to bulge.

"Six cups will give you good fortune..."

"I’ve drunk for good fortune already!" Finally, the Saber King was unable to tolerate it any further and exclaimed, "Minister Chu, I’m here today to ask you for a favor!"

"Senior, please don’t say that!" You just need to say the word and I will definitely do what I can!" Chu Yang gave a hearty and friendly laugh, "Is there any contrast between us?"

Upon hearing these words, the Saber King was so disturbed that he literally dashed out of the room!

Can you please not talk in such an intimate way? What relationship do I have with you?

The Saber King took in a deep breath and gathered his manners. He used all his strength to calm himself down before he slowly breathed out, "Two days ago, there was a battle between two King level masters in the. I’m sure that such an event must not have escaped Minister Chu’s eyes."

As he had begun to speak of official matters, Chu Yang had become serious and replied, "Of course, this small official has heard of this big event. Your friend was seriously injured. I’ve even sent over some herbal medicine to aid in his recovery. It was a modest amount, but it was all of my resources!"

"Thank you, Minister Chu!" The Saber King continued, "While my brother’s life is no longer in danger, the culprit is still at large. With my limited resources, trying to find a person inside Iron Cloud Citadel is no different than trying to fish for a needle from the bottom of the sea! However, it would definitely be an entirely different story if Minister Chu gives me a helping hand!"

Chu Yang gave a slight frown and hesitated to give him an answer.

Chu Yang had already known the Saber King’s intentions from the very moment that he arrived. Nevertheless, Chu Yang would be at a great disadvantage for helping them without any return of favor. Furthermore, the guys of the Hei Mo Saber Sword King Pair were the ones responsible for essentially destroying Qing Wu’s life. How could Chu Yang be willing to help these two at this juncture?

However, he had no other choice but to relent due to his grand plan and his current predicament.

Minister Chu was greatly bothered by this, hence he could not allow the Saber King to get off so easily. This was precisely the reason why Chu Yang had been talking nonsense and changing topics endlessly ever since this Saber King had arrived.

Of course, the main reason why Chu Yang had rambled on about stealing the tea was that he was worried. He was worried that the Saber King might have thought about Mo Qing Wu upon seeing so many children’s books for girls on his table. If he were to think about Mo Qing Wu, would that not expose my cover?

Hence, the first thing that Minister Chu did was to create a giant web of confusion. Even if you start developing any suspicions, I will have your mind so confused that you will be dizzy!

However, it seemed that the brain of this Saber King was significantly smaller than that of Diwu Qing Rou or Tie Bu Tian. Instead of having any doubts or suspicions, he simply became a little impatient and had no suspicions with regards to little miss!

Internally, Chu Yang heaved a sigh of relief. Yet, at the same time, he was feeling irritated.

Why did I have to worry so much about this idiot? I’ve just wasted half a day worth of saliva for nothing...

Now that they were talking about official matters, Chu Yang would naturally have to come up with a good plan to reap the most benefits.

Coincidentally, the Saber King was also extremely frustrated. If he had a choice, why would he bother shaming himself by asking for help from the leader of an intelligence organization that belonged to a secular state? He had truly lost face!

The truth was that Chu Yang had indeed sent a large amount of medicine that was meant for healing injuries after the Sword King had been injured. The Saber King was out at the time that these incredibly helpful items arrived at the place. After having searched for the enemy for the entire day to no avail, the Saber King returned and immediately thought of Bu Tian Pavilion.

The Saber King would never have thought about this place if Chu Yang had not sent people with the medicines. Now that he had no way out, he had decided to come this way to ask for help!

At all cost, he had to find the person who was responsible for his martial brother’s injuries and avenge him! This would be the only way that he could vent the hatred that was brewing within him!

However, he had no idea that Minister Chu had sent the medicine over for the very purpose of waiting for the Saber King to come knocking at his door. Now that he was here, he could paddle him once and his scheme had just succeeded. Hence, how could Chu Yang be kind to him at all?

"Uh... If we are to do this... it is not difficult..." Chu Yang took a deep breath and frowned.

This is great... the enemy has just come asking for my help to kill my other enemy. He’s even asked politely as if he might be rejected. This is too good!!!

"Huh? Minister Chu, please tell me what you have to say!"

"Senior, what is your name? I don’t know how to address you; it’s too disrespectful on my part" Chu Yang asked in a cautious tone.

"I... We are the people of the Hei Mo clan. I am Saber King Soft Cloud. You can call me Soft Cloud or senior. As for a surname..." A cold beam of light shot out of his eyes as he continued softly, "I have not used a surname in a long time!"

Chu Yang knew this very well, thus he simply nodded his head. Chu Yang already knew that Hei Mo clan was a clan in Middle Three Heavens. Furthermore, he knew that Hei Mo clan was not a family. Instead, it was more like a sect or a large organization. Everyone who joined them would get just a title instead of getting their own name.

The ranking in the clan was based entirely on strength. The most powerful person became the clan leader and only that person can be called Hei Mo!

"Since senior has said so, I will respectfully oblige!" Next, Chu Yang frowned and continued, "If it were up to me alone, I would instinctively help you out on this issue. In fact, I have already sent people out to gather information immediately after that great battle between the two kings!"

"However, there is one thing that I am concerned about. Your clan is so powerful that you’re not required to pay attention to such things! On the other hand, we are only common officials; even the royal family or the generals are just bugs in the eyes of you powerful people. If I help you... how would we fight back if they should ever return to seek revenge?"

After lamenting, Chu Yang’s voice became very sincere as he continued in earnest, "You have given me a great opportunity by coming here today. How could I not know this? But... this is also an opportunity that is extremely dangerous!"

"Opportunity? Dangerous?" The Saber King rubbed his mustache and his eyes lit up.

Originally, he had merely wanted to get some help when he had come here today. How could he have had any plan to give anyone a great opportunity? However, after hearing Chu Yang’s words, it had become clear to him. Helping him deal with the Mo clan was an extremely dangerous thing for Iron Cloud to do. It seems that there is no way for me to not offer any great payment!

"Hey..." While the Saber King continued pondering, Chu Yang sighed as he sat on the opposite side of the table, "The Sword King was good to me. What the Sword King told me that day still remains in my heart. A kind senior like that was suddenly attacked by a lowly scoundrel; it hurts me so much!"

The Saber King let out two dry coughs. All of a sudden, there was a trace of red on his old face.

A person who killed without batting an eye, and even pulled tendons without so much as a frown like the Sword King was actually looked upon by Minister Chu as a ’kind senior’? These words... how could these words even be mouthed?

"A person this capable of going head-on with your clan would surely have a powerful backing..." Chu Yang said gravely. His eyes started to heat up as he looked at the Saber King.

His words had essentially implied to the Saber King that: While I can do this... doing this... this should rake in some benefits for me! Now I will have to wait and see if you people can name a price that will move me!

"Tell me, what would it take for you to agree to find that person for me?" The Saber King asked sincerely.

After asking this question, he finished the rest of the tea in his cup in one big gulp. Truly, he could not taste anything special in the ’Black Mountain Lady Tea’ that King of Hell Chu had praised up to the sky.

How was there even any trace flavor of the fragrant tongue or breast milk!

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